View Full Version : Coincidences

3rd November 2016, 11:08
What a small world we live in....

Browsing a car forum which also has lots of sub forums the other day the topic of selling up in the UK and the idea that you could live like a king in SE Asia was being discussed. Well, one of the members there was saying that he had lived in the Philippines for the last 15 years or so and posted a link to the area that he lived in.
When I clicked on the link I worked out that he couldn't be that far from where we have a home out there, so I suggested that we meet for a SMB or 6 when I'm out there next.
Well, not only does he live in the same town (small coincidence), but he also lives in the same sub division only a few streets away from me :icon_lol:

Talk about a small world :smile:

3rd November 2016, 11:48
What would be funny is him living in your place illegally:biggrin:

3rd November 2016, 16:37