View Full Version : Plans To Slash 'Whiplash' Claims ...

Arthur Little
17th November 2016, 13:16
... leading, in turn, to cheaper insurance premiums - with savings of up to around £40 annually - could be on the cards for law~abiding motorists, Justice Minister Liz Truss has indicated! :smile:

www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38002662 ... :ReadIt:

18th November 2016, 04:08
This whole 'compensation' con has been run by crooks and parasites . It is a total disgrace, ànd an affront to law-abiding citizens.
Sucessive governments should be ashamed of themselves for not having nipped this in the bud from the off...or at least imposed rigorous standards.

No doubt too many 'connected' fingers in the pie. :mad:

18th November 2016, 06:40
Amazing how many tv adverts about claims, we people have never had it so good,

18th November 2016, 09:57
Scumbag lawyers and their hangers-on raking it in at the expense of the rest of us. Should be stopped from advertising.

18th November 2016, 10:43
Unfortunately there are the innocent ones who have been affected by Whiplash, my daughter was a passenger in a car 3 weeks ago when some old guy ran into the back of them when they were stationary. I have spent a number of hours at the local doctor (who's staff wanted to charge her for consultation) and 4 hours at A&E, she currently has very uncomfortable neck pain and pins and needles in her left arm especially in the mornings. So there are two sides to this.....

18th November 2016, 11:27
Unfortunately there are the innocent ones who have been affected by Whiplash, my daughter was a passenger in a car 3 weeks ago when some old guy ran into the back of them when they were stationary. I have spent a number of hours at the local doctor (who's staff wanted to charge her for consultation) and 4 hours at A&E, she currently has very uncomfortable neck pain and pins and needles in her left arm especially in the mornings. So there are two sides to this.....

Indeed there are, but like you say about the doctors staff wanting there cut too,
A person I knew had the same problem but this was from the doctor, once he new it was a car accident there was his fee to write the letters,

18th November 2016, 13:12
Our doctor told my daughter to walk straight past the reception when she left as he does not agree with charging patients for these items...

Arthur Little
18th November 2016, 14:55
Our doctor told my daughter to walk straight past the reception when she left as he does not agree with charging patients for these items...

:iagree: with her doctor, :icon_rolleyes: ... neither do I! :NoNo:

19th November 2016, 01:31
Yes, of course there are genuine innocent victims. Maybe 1% ?

This whole compensation industry is nothing more than a racket run by cowboys and crooks... leeching resources that SHOULD be available to GENUINE claimants. Time it was stopped.