View Full Version : Beyond A Croak ... Becks Reels At Frog Trick!

Arthur Little
19th November 2016, 00:48
Footballer, David Beckham was horrified when magician David Blaine started "throwing up" :vomit-smiley-011: frogs in front of him ... yuk!

Yep - it's true - in a ribbit-ing moment, the illusionist (43) puts a new spin on the phrase: 'Having a frog in one's throat'! "Beyond Magic", an American [might've known!] TV series had apparently invited Becks, Posh and the couple's eldest son, Brooklyn (17) to be guests on his show ... which featured sewing his mouth shut with a needle & thread. :cwm24: ... OUCH!

:smile: Afterwards, Becks explained: "I'd thought that was the trick. But then I became a tad(pole) disturbed ... I was like ... :yikes:! when Blaine coughed up a pair of live croakers :omg:!"

Source- yesterday's Metro.