View Full Version : From London to Mindanao

Mindanao Mal
22nd November 2016, 15:33
My wife, Melanie, daughter Marianne (6 months old) and me are planning to move from London UK to Toril, Mindanao. My wife has land title there and we plan to have a house built. My wife is from the Philippines and moved here in 2010 after we married. I am from London, ready to retire; we all have UK passports, my wife has kept her filipino passport as well. Any advice about the best way for money transfers etc, having a house built, the logistics of moving our possessions etc would be very much appreciated. If anybody can recommend a good advisor for emmigration from the uk to the philippines, money, etc, please pm me. Thanks in advance.

22nd November 2016, 15:41
My wife, Melanie, daughter Marianne (6 months old) and me are planning to move from London UK to Toril, Mindanao. My wife has land title there and we plan to have a house built. My wife is from the Philippines and moved here in 2010 after we married. I am from London, ready to retire; we all have UK passports, my wife has kept her filipino passport as well. Any advice about the best way for money transfers etc, having a house built, the logistics of moving our possessions etc would be very much appreciated. If anybody can recommend a good advisor for emmigration from the uk to the philippines, money, etc, please pm me. Thanks in advance.


I did that in November 2014.
Got my 13a Permanent Visa now

By coincidence we lived for 18 months in Talomo
Just on the outskirts of Davao City on McArthur highway at Puan.

Almost everyday we'd take a short jeepney ride to Toril. To the great market and also to G-Mall

Good luck with your journey.
Please ask whatever you need help with.
Step by step and with patience you find it a fairly easy jouney.

First question. Do you plan to begin your 13a visa journey in London or when you arrive in Toril?

Luckily the BI office is very easy to get to from Toril :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd November 2016, 15:52
My first (and long overdue) trip to Toril.
We lived in Solariega (Puan) at the time.


22nd November 2016, 16:08
Hi there, good luck with the move :xxgrinning--00xx3:

For possessions use a balikbayan box through the likes of LBC

As far as money is concerned, there's various remit banks which you can transfer funds through. Personally I use Metro Remittance Bank which are based in Kensington High St, London, they charge the ROE (rate of exchange) for that day plus a £7.50 admin fee. You can transfer up to £3000 a month, but any more than that and they'll want to see bank statements to prove where the money came from, this is to prevent money laundering.

23rd November 2016, 01:01
I would definitely NOT liquidate all assets in the UK... especially property.

Leave yourselves a safety net. Emigration can turn sour.

Good luck though. :xxgrinning--00xx3: