27th November 2016, 13:34
Well it seems that the local councils are running out of funds to look after the elderly in the community and whos fault is that i wonder, yes the government they are saying,
So what does this mean for you and i i wonder.
Well if you dont work and have no savings well i think you will be fine, cant guarantee it though.
If you are super rich maybe you have no idea what i am on about and why should you.
Now if you are like me a worker with saving, have not bothered to claim for this and that and have my own house, well it seems i may by up sh-t creak with out a paddle.
We have all read and maybe heard of the horror stories about using your own savings and even selling your house to care for you in your old age, well its true .
So what is the alternatives .
Sell up and move to somewhere warm and live with in your means and dont leave anything to the kids.
Marry a very lady to look after you or try to kill you but you may die happy.
Just a thought, any other ideas boys and girls
So what does this mean for you and i i wonder.
Well if you dont work and have no savings well i think you will be fine, cant guarantee it though.
If you are super rich maybe you have no idea what i am on about and why should you.
Now if you are like me a worker with saving, have not bothered to claim for this and that and have my own house, well it seems i may by up sh-t creak with out a paddle.
We have all read and maybe heard of the horror stories about using your own savings and even selling your house to care for you in your old age, well its true .
So what is the alternatives .
Sell up and move to somewhere warm and live with in your means and dont leave anything to the kids.
Marry a very lady to look after you or try to kill you but you may die happy.
Just a thought, any other ideas boys and girls