View Full Version : What a long day

27th November 2016, 22:02
Well am i a lone:Erm: , or is everyone asleep or doing the Christmas shopping,
I must find myself something else to do , like a hobby:smile:

Arthur Little
28th November 2016, 13:19
Well am I alone? :Erm:, or is everyone asleep or doing the Christmas shopping,
I must find myself something else to do, like a hobby:smile:

:nono-1-1:, Steve ... you're NOT alone; this marvellous Forum has been such an integral part of my life since I joined more than eight years' past.

Like you - and a number of other "old faithfuls" - (I mean that in the nicest possible sense) - I'd be "lost" without it!

Arthur Little
28th November 2016, 14:20
Yes, I'm an addict ... and, in this case, I am far from ashamed to ADMIT it. It is THANKS to an :idea: of Keith Driscoll, the site's OWNER away back around the early 2000s that it exists in the first instance, then, in the intervening years since, has remained at the forefront of assisting [literally] thousands of its members (including myself) to fulfill their dreams of bringing loved ones from the Philippines to the UK.

Throughout those many years, advice has been gladly given FREE OF CHARGE by a team of extremely knowledgeable and dedicated people. Lasting [online] friendships have, in turn, grown accordingly. But, as ALL of us are bound to be only too well aware, behind the scenes, running a site such as ours is, inevitably, expensive. Let's not kid ourselves otherwise. Therefore, donations [however small]
in order to defray these costs, are ALWAYS much appreciated! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th November 2016, 14:59
I wish I had some spare time :cwm3:

What with rennovations here in Marikina and also in our Cubao Condo I'm getting really stressed and fed up.

28th November 2016, 15:17
I wish I had some spare time :cwm3:

What with rennovations here in Marikina and also in our Cubao Condo I'm getting really stressed and fed up.

Sounds like beer time Peter

28th November 2016, 15:30
Sounds like beer time Peter

Yes Steve you're right.

Michael Parnham
28th November 2016, 17:20
Wish I could experience a long day, time whizzes by for me :xxgrinning--00xx3: