View Full Version : Everything You Need To Know About The Supreme Court Ruling On Brexit

Arthur Little
6th December 2016, 03:35
NO prizes for guessing :cwm25: what's currently dominating :Britain:'s News Headlines. :NoNo:

www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-supreme-court-ruling-when-is-it-article-50-a7455146.html ... :ReadIt:

Phew ... too complex :23_111_9[1]: for me to understand, I'm afraid!

And ALL "triggered off" by some [hitherto] unknown, upstart Investment Fund Manager who wasn't even born in the UK. Oh, :icon_rolleyes: ... the irony of the situation!

:yeahthat: ... and, without wishing to appear in ANY way racist, I cannot help wondering if:-

(a) she has a degree in British History ... enabling her to cite some antiquarian legal precedent dating back to the English Civil War, and

(b) she has some "vested financial interest" (pun here would seem appropriate in the circumstances vis-a-vis, the implementation of Article 50 resultantly being delayed.

Why the hell doesn't the Government get the :censored: on with it - regardless?

Ever wish you could just fall asleep :NEW5: until March, when, hopefully - in the lyrics of the Abba song - "all is said & done"?!?

Arthur Little
6th December 2016, 18:42
Phew ... too complex :23_111_9[1]: for me to understand, I'm afraid!

Hmm ... :anerikke: ... guess we're ALL in the same boat!

6th December 2016, 20:28
Never fear, it's all pre amble to the inevitable.


6th December 2016, 22:41
If they had started article 50 weeks ago we would not be having all this crap costing millions They have 50 freaking lawyers there.:cwm23::cwm23: