View Full Version : Need a bit of help

7th December 2016, 03:05
Hi guys, I'm a new member of this site, I just want to ask few questions that may help me to ease my mind or should I say sort of my worries which I know is natural.

I am about to go to Scotland to be an in-house ESL teacher for two kids and this is my first time to work outside the Philippines and really far from home and family. Worries like, Would I be in good hands with my employers? Would I be able to adapt to the new surroundings? And other things.

I know homesickness is a thing to be expected and it is one reason why I am have joined this site so I would know "kababayans" to run to if in case... you know what I mean.

Guys, hope to hear from you and kindly tell me what are the kinds of clothes that I need to bring with me.


7th December 2016, 07:35

Was this employment arranged through an agency ?

You're 100% confident that everything is genuine ? :Erm:

7th December 2016, 08:44
Hmm, I have to echo the concerns of Graham.

You haven't provided much background information, but the information you have given would lead me to be concerned about the legitimacy of your employment unless you have a British Passport.

What type of UK visa do you hold?
How did you secure the employment?

7th December 2016, 08:55
I know homesickness is a thing to be expected and it is one reason why I am have joined this site so I would know "kababayans" to run to if in case... you know what I mean.

Not that much you can do to avoid homesickness. The lifestyle will be vastly different and there's potentially a great deal you'll miss.
Finding membership and friendship of within a Filipino community might help with lots of issues .....but it all depends on your exposure to life outside of the Philippines.

Guys, hope to hear from you and kindly tell me what are the kinds of clothes that I need to bring with me.

You're going to need plenty of warm clothes and quite possible some decent footwear for Scottish weather conditions :icon_lol:

All in all many answers will depend on just whereabouts in Scotland you'll be living.
City life is fairly easy anywhere really.
Living in quiet rural areas may pose the biggest challenge to you in the early months.

Michael Parnham
7th December 2016, 13:08
Welcome to the Forum Miong, looks like you're already getting replies to your questions, please heed the warm clothes advice as winter here will become a shock to the system and good luck with your venture. Please keep us updated:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th December 2016, 13:59
please heed the warm clothes advice as winter here will become a shock to the system

Totally agree Michael.....a real shock :icon_lol: