View Full Version : Citizen Storers

Arthur Little
18th December 2016, 23:28
Apparently people with spare bedrooms and/or sizeable attic space in their homes are being sought~after by a group of companies on the lookout for space to rent - other than traditional warehouse facilities - for storage. :biggrin:

Video journalist, Dougal Shaw examines this "new concept" which will, in many cases, offer ordinary folk a unique means of paying for incidentals like, for example annual holidays.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38341445 ... :ReadIt:

19th December 2016, 00:38
Can't see that working myself :Erm:

Surely if you rent part of your home to a company, then in effect your home will become a commercial premises and therefore liable to commercial rates and taxes :Erm:

Michael Parnham
19th December 2016, 08:58
Can't see that working myself :Erm:

Surely if you rent part of your home to a company, then in effect your home will become a commercial premises and therefore liable to commercial rates and taxes :Erm:

Interesting point:Erm:

19th December 2016, 16:54
Insurers will do anything to get out of paying.. and such (worthy) arrangements won't help.

The ACTUAL homeowner in most cases .. ie the mortgage provider, or the landlord, if rented, will not probably not be happy either.

Shame, but that's reality.