View Full Version : Duterte threatens martial law

15th January 2017, 17:01

"If I wanted to, and it will deteriorate into something really very virulent, I will declare martial law if I wanted to. No one will be able to stop me," Mr Duterte said in a speech to businesspeople in the southern city of Davao on Saturday.
"My country transcends everything else, even the limitations," he added.



15th January 2017, 17:45
This is what he has planned all along.

The man is a megalomaniac. :crazy:

15th January 2017, 18:55
Heading towards despot status,as a mayor he was good,as el presidente not so :icon_lol: power corrupts,absolute power corrupts absolutely :wink: and i know this isnt a fairy story concocted by loida lewis or leila de lima :icon_lol:

15th January 2017, 19:20
ANOTHER train wreck approaching. :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
16th January 2017, 13:11
How long will he last?:anerikke:

16th January 2017, 15:44
How long will he last?:anerikke:
How long has mugabe lasted in Zim :wink: pinas is a feudal feifdom country,once your in you tend to stay in :wink:

16th January 2017, 17:36
Remember what happened to Aquino...:cwm25:

This is REAL... not a movie.


16th January 2017, 19:25
Heard the story many times,first time i have context with footage,it almost looks as if he was led off the plane for his execution.

Arthur Little
16th January 2017, 19:51

"If I wanted to, and it will deteriorate into something really very virulent, I will declare martial law if I wanted to. No one will be able to stop me," Mr Duterte said in a speech to businesspeople in the southern city of Davao on Saturday.
"My country transcends everything else, even the limitations," he added.



Difficult to know what to believe. I mean ... :anerikke: ... WHY on earth would a man of 71 want to resort to declaring martial law in order to *extend his presidency (*as some biased media reports seem to suggest!) when, in fact, he only stood for such a highly demanding role at the behest of around 20 million of the Philippines people who were sick & tired of years of 'yellow mafia' corruption!

16th January 2017, 19:57
Heard the story many times,first time i have context with footage,it almost looks as if he was led off the plane for his execution.

Yes, pretty shocking really.

Duterte could easily suffer the same fate if he pushes too hard. Hitmen are cheap in the Phils.

16th January 2017, 20:15
Yup,i read a few days ago one of dutertes own trigger people was on 350 $ USD a hit :cwm25:

18th January 2017, 01:54
Just watched the full story on You Tube.

Never knew this story before, a little shocked by it as well. Considering i was still at school and had not thought about travelling to the Philippines back then this has opened my eyes now about Duterte. :cwm24::cwm24: