View Full Version : Victor Castigador AKA the Human Torch Killer AKA The KillernFrom Manila.

16th January 2017, 15:42
I remember actually reading the story more than 20 years ago an illegal filipino immigrant (theres a surprise :icon_lol: ) had attempted a robbery in a soho slot machine establishment where he worked as he didnt like the manager,after the robbery he bound the two security guards,the manager,and a female cashier and doused them in an inflammable liquid before tossing a mach on them and locking the room they were in,the 2 security guards died and the manager and cashier suffered horrific burns.
Castigador was given a whole life tarrif with the reccomendation he serves a minimum of 25 years,but the then home secretary asked that he serve the full life term.Victor has recently been handed yet another whole life tarrif sentence for bludgeoning a fellow inmate to death with a rock saying the inmate had p***ed him off :icon_lol:

16th January 2017, 16:23
Sounds the best place for him...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th January 2017, 15:23
It would be better if he was in a pinoy nick as opposed to being a burden on the UK taxpayer,or if he was buried under 6 feet of hardpacked dirt :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th January 2017, 15:24
On the bright side it was a child killer he disposed of :smile: