View Full Version : Duterte to priests: Why don’t you try shabu?

19th January 2017, 05:04
President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday once again criticized the Catholic Church, saying members of the clergy do not seem to grasp the gravity of the country's drug menace.
In a speech in Nueva Ecija, Duterte decried the church’s criticism of his war on drugs, which has claimed over 3,000 lives.
Duterte, known for his exaggerated remarks, said priests should perhaps take the illegal drug methamphetamine (shabu) so they would understand what goes on in the mind of a drug addict.


19th January 2017, 05:07
Yes Catholic priests...
Try shabu and put on a condom..See how it fits..
Arrogant,judgmental hypocrites!!

19th January 2017, 10:09
Duterte was once molested by a priest,catholicism is a far greater threat to a people than methamphetamins,its a mass braniwashing cult,the church is a business that needs people to survive,people are the churches products,the more pople Kerchinggggggg,the PI's population has grown MASSIVELY since i first went there,all thanks to the little fat guy in that big shiny building preaching crap week in week out to the gullible.

19th January 2017, 12:50
Yes, well-fed celibate men in gold-plated palaces forbidding the poor from using contraception.

The good lord on his cloud watching over babies dying in agony or being ripped apart by Pitbulls.


19th January 2017, 22:43
I try to explain to my wife, but it is a waste of time:Erm:

19th January 2017, 23:03
This is what duterte recently told believers of the catholic church,i think his priestly molestation opened his eyes to the perversions of the clergy....

Is there a priest here? What I don't really like is when they frighten you into believing. When we're young, they tell us that we'll go to hell, we'll go to hell, we'll burn in hell.
Catholic Church must change or else, it will -- by the end of this three decades from now, it becomes irrelevant.

19th January 2017, 23:14
It is brainwashing, pure and simple.

In my book, child abuse too.

I will NOT permit a total stranger to fill my child's mind with superstitious nonsense.:mad:

I don't care if billions believe in it.

It's not that long since they believed the earth was flat too.

20th January 2017, 14:22
It is brainwashing, pure and simple.

In my book, child abuse too.

I will NOT permit a total stranger to fill my child's mind with superstitious nonsense.:mad:

I don't care if billions believe in it.

It's not that long since they believed the earth was flat too.

Agree with all of that. Well said

20th January 2017, 14:59
Thanks for the rep too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th January 2017, 16:19
It is brainwashing, pure and simple.

In my book, child abuse too.

I will NOT permit a total stranger to fill my child's mind with superstitious nonsense.:mad:

I don't care if billions believe in it.

It's not that long since they believed the earth was flat too.

Good on you. How does that fit in with your wife or her familys beliefs? Just wondering...

20th January 2017, 19:38
I have asked her not to have our boy baptised... and she knew my views on this and religion generally, before we were married. If she goes ahead with it 'behind my back', so be it.

(She is not a churchgoer anyway).

As for the rest of her family, well, they are lovely god-fearing people and I feel there is no need for me to upset them in any way.

If anyone in the Philippines asks me for my opinion on religious beliefs, I will happily give it, in a sensitive, diplomatic way... because I'm not a fool as well as an Atheist. :smile:

My eldest (half-Filipino) son has never seen the inside of a church, or been brain-washed by the god-squad. He is none the worse for it, and has close friends from several different religions and ethnic groups.

20th January 2017, 22:34
All I say to them is, this is the 21st century not the 1st.