View Full Version : Help please on bringing my child to the UK

22nd January 2017, 16:55
We are in the middle of gathering documents for my daughters visa to come here in the UK to settle and my sisters family visit visa to be my daughters travel company.

I am a bit confused on the sponsor bit, it is going to be me or my husband. I already have printed the sponsorship undertaking form for both my daughter and sister and i am not sure who to put in it if its me because I aint got a job. Will that affect the application if i put my name as a sponsor or much better to put paul as a sponsor since we can provide details about his job.

To all who have experience this can you please enlighten us. It will be a very big help. Thank you!

22nd January 2017, 22:52
I can only tell you what was required when I brought my two stepchildren here on settlement (dependant) visas a few years ago.

I was their sponsor. I would imagine you'd need to be a British Citizen for starters (which my ex wasn't, at the time, but she did already have her ILR).

23rd January 2017, 23:13
I can only tell you what was required when I brought my two stepchildren here on settlement (dependant) visas a few years ago.

I was their sponsor. I would imagine you'd need to be a British Citizen for starters (which my ex wasn't, at the time, but she did already have her ILR).

Hello Graham, i already am a british citizen and we are joint accounts but i dont have a job because i am looking after our child and my brother in law who has mild learning difficulties.

23rd January 2017, 23:38
Aah.... sounds like you're starting off from a position of strength then.

I won't advise further though, because I simply am not up to date with current requirements.

Hopefully another BM can be more helpful. In the meantime, why not ring the UKVA, or whatever they call themselves now, and ask their advice ? Also study the notes accompanying the online application 'form'. :)