View Full Version : Strange neighbours

31st January 2017, 12:12
Always wondered about the house a few doors down on the other side of the street. Big place, 3 stories and never see anyone there apart from the odd light coming on every now and again.

The strange thing is all the windows are covered in plastic on the inside, as if simulating double glazing. Now who would want to increase the humidity in their house here in the Philippines. I have to wonder if they're growing something in there?

31st January 2017, 12:23
Nope,I used to hang out with strange people in holland,the last thing you want if your growing plants indoors is an increase in humidity,thats why they use extractor fans to vent heat and humidity,pinas used to be in the top 5 marijuana producing countries in the world according to old DEA statistics,all of it grown outdoors though there was actually an indoor grow house found in luzon last year,but that was a one off,lord moynihan once gave the cannabis smuggler howard marks a tour of an island just off davao they thought would be ideal for a huge crop as the soil and climate are perfect for equatorial sativa strains,moynihan was thinking of asking his friend Marcos to sequester the island but howard marks moved his operation to thailand instead.Sagada is the centre of PI cannabis,its got a worldwide rep amongst pot-heads.