View Full Version : Spring cleaning the pages

31st January 2017, 14:01
Just sitting doing everything but nothing , I decided to look into my profile on here and see all the people who have asked to be friends, well what a shock that was.
Where have they all gone, ok I know many move on and maybe even a few have a life too, but there was so many who have not posted on here for many years never mind months, so I have done a spring clean and unfriended them, if I have unfriended you too by mistake forgive me, but:biggrin: cleaning has to be done, now let's sort out those pictures now

2nd February 2017, 14:57
It was very shortly after joining that I ticked the box not to accept 'Friend Requests' and deleted all the friends there.

Means I'm not 'unfriended'.
I understand that is a real 'red button' on facebook.