View Full Version : £500 BILLION Brexit DIVORCE ?

31st January 2017, 18:01
Guy Verhofstadt has now said he expects Britain to cough up over £500bn to the European Union (http://www.express.co.uk/latest/european-union) as it extricates itself from Brussels.
“What I know is the outstanding commitments now and before Britain will leave the European Union will in total be around €600billion (£513billion).
Reacting to the inflammatory remarks, Gerard Batten MEP, Ukip's Brexit spokesperson, said:"He should be told to get lost. Forty-four years of EU membership has cost Britain billions in direct contributions, billions in implementing thousands of EU laws, and the loss of our fishing industry untold billions more, to name just few of the staggering costs.



31st January 2017, 18:04
Yet another scare tactic....

31st January 2017, 18:13
Sound more like a final SCAM tactic!!
Trouble is, our politicians are dumb enough to cough up on our behalf!!
I`d tell them the check is in the post!!

31st January 2017, 18:59
Short term lose , long term gain, there will be horror stories coming our way for months and maybe some will come true, but the sooner we are out of the EU the better, its dying and they want us to all die together .

31st January 2017, 19:20
Hey, it's only money.

As I said before Brexit, rather poor, but proud, happy, and self-governing. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Even in the Philippines they can say that for their country. :)

31st January 2017, 22:39
As Nigel has said many times, he is an ex primeminister of Belgium :laugher:

31st January 2017, 22:56
Cheap at half the price to extricate ourselves from a doomed club.

1st February 2017, 01:04
Wow,you lot are soft!!
Not only would I NOT give them a stinking Euro..I`d demand a huge rebate.

1st February 2017, 09:20
Wow,you lot are soft!!
Not only would I NOT give them a stinking Euro..I`d demand a huge rebate.

Like you a hand shake and no hard feelings I would do and a walk into the sunset, but it won't happen, but the process will trungle along and the only people that will make money is the lawyers. Love Peace and good wishes to all involved

1st February 2017, 12:07
Yes, the usual suspects will line their pockets from this.