View Full Version : The bill hasn't been paid to date.............

2nd February 2017, 20:54
Just been in my sisters,she was watching some sort of Hospital documentary on catch-up have any of you seen this particular episode?A woman in her 50's comes from pinas to visit her sis in england,shortly after arriving here the woman starts getting chest pains so goes to A&E where its discovered she has a heart complaint,upshot is she spends over a month in hospital and has heart surgery :yikes: her sis here in the UK signs paperwork promisingnto pay medical fees and says her health comes first i will worry about the cost later,the lady from pinas eventually goes home and they show a pic of her in pinas surrounded by family recovering,her sis says she cant pay the bill as she is now unemployed,as the pic is showing on the screen with the recovering patient in pinas the words scrolled across To date the bill remains unpaid.......

2nd February 2017, 21:47
Did they have smiling faces

2nd February 2017, 22:07
Yup :biggrin:

3rd February 2017, 14:40
Most probably cheaper to return home

3rd February 2017, 14:41
Not if you don't pay....

3rd February 2017, 15:06
Not if you don't pay....


3rd February 2017, 15:46
I actually met a guy over 20 years ago in middlesex who had met his wife in angeles,she wasnt the normal sort of pinay you get here,she belonged in angeles to be honest,he was something or other in IT but wasnt exactly what you could call street smart,i always thought he seemed autistic?Nothing wrong with that but i always suspected he was.She brought her parents over for a holiday on a visa,her dad had major surgery,was here for a year recovering then buggered off back to pinas,this was long before the phrase NHS tourism was coined.

3rd February 2017, 15:53
You see it happens from every person from everywhere , could you do this in the Phil's I wonder

3rd February 2017, 16:01
No you couldnt do it in pinas,theres been a few stories in the past of hospitals refusing to release brits because they couldnt pay in pinas example below..
But now i think this sort of imprisonment is illegal in pinas if you sign a promisory note to pay,like the pinay did for her sis.........Then catch a dlight back to Heathrow,good for the goose good for the gander.

3rd February 2017, 16:15
No you couldnt do it in pinas,theres been a few stories in the past of hospitals refusing to release brits because they couldnt pay in pinas example below..
But now i think this sort of imprisonment is illegal in pinas if you sign a promisory note to pay,like the pinay did for her sis.........Then catch a dlight back to Heathrow,good for the goose good for the gander.

Look funny in one of those hospital gowns with your .... hanging out waiting for a flight in Manila, that's the only way to escape I say

3rd February 2017, 16:32
The guy you met in IT was not called Terry Jeyes was he?

3rd February 2017, 19:24
Cant remember his name mate,lived right next to heathrow.

6th February 2017, 07:59
They have just been chatting about that Filipina on sky news,she apparently had a triple heart bypass,was in hospital for 6 weeks,promised to pay the bill :Erm: she owes £59,000 quid.Cheap at half the price.

6th February 2017, 08:08
I wonder whet the bill would be if it was for one of us over in the Philippines.
So are they chasing the sister who signed for all this,

6th February 2017, 08:21
They arent chasing the sis,she said she is unemployed so how can she pay?Desperate people do desperate things.Had we owed £59,000 in pinas we would have been hounded to the poor house :icon_lol: a society is always judged by how well it treats its poorer weaker members :wink: I know we moan about the UK but we really do have it on easy street here :smile:

6th February 2017, 08:41
I know we moan about the UK but we really do have it on easy street here :smile:

And this is my biggest problem, dont get me wrong i dont expect everything to be free, but working and paying my taxes all my life so far it is something that i am entitled too in my eyes.
I have heard on the news today that these so called tourist that use our hospitals will now have to pay upfront for any treatment , now thats going to be good if they could do it, i see lots of visa card fraud happening soon,
The only people who will be benefit from this will be the human rights lawyers again.

6th February 2017, 08:43
a society is always judged by how well it treats its poorer weaker members :wink:

Well it seems that the whole world whats to keep these folk poor and weaker then themselves

6th February 2017, 08:50
a society is always judged by how well it treats its poorer weaker members :wink:

Well it seems that the whole world whats to keep these folk poor and weaker then themselves
We look after our weaker poorer members of society :smile: we have safety nets.You have seen guys in pinas selling newspapers and ciggarrettes on the roads in pinas dodging in and out of traffic,no education but they still have to find some form of employement to survive,if they dont do something they go to bed on a pavement hungry,here i know people who dont work,but they do ok,they get cash,they have a roof over their heads,their kids go to school clothed and fed.

6th February 2017, 22:25
We look after our weaker poorer members of society :smile: we have safety nets.You have seen guys in pinas selling newspapers and ciggarrettes on the roads in pinas dodging in and out of traffic,no education but they still have to find some form of employement to survive,if they dont do something they go to bed on a pavement hungry,here i know people who dont work,but they do ok,they get cash,they have a roof over their heads,their kids go to school clothed and fed.

But as you say, they are doing something, in the UK you would not be allowed to do anything like that, as there would be some stupid regulation against it. I know a guy over here, all he does all day seven days a week is unload cement, two bags at a time on his head:yikes: Imagine that in this heat, and the damage he is doing to his body. But he is working and putting food on the table.