View Full Version : Machete fight......

10th February 2017, 08:26
I got sent this link,dont worry theres no blood,and quite a funny ending,i like the guy standing there with a large rock balanced on his shoulders,the viewers comments are interesting :icon_lol: its more fun in the philippines.

10th February 2017, 09:29
Do you think the bloke carrying that rock was training for the next Olympics as a future shoot putter,
Or do you think he thought it was a pet parrot

10th February 2017, 12:04
It was like the evolution of man played out in five minutes on a filipino street,rocks and fists to clubs to machette's :laugher: i actually found that "fight" hilarious,i just wished someone had pulled out a pistol :smile: i found the viewers comments below quite funny,i guess most were americans.