View Full Version : ILR Aplication after 2 years

29th December 2007, 09:09
Hello every one, would any one please tell me,
do i need to get a solicetor for my ILR Application? or can i do it my self.
Ialso will sombody please tell me step by step,how to start?
i am married to a british citi and have to boys,age 2 and 6 months old.
me wife dont work and on jobseeker allownce. also when you make spouce visa applic normally 2 people shuld gives u employement.which in my case they did but when i got here one of them change his job and other broke with his buisnise partener.#
so i got on and off tempo position work but have no permenent job yet.still looking for job.
Now am worried if it cause me problem for my ILR Appl.Any idea? please help and advice.
also on my visa ,there is a immigration order stamp black ink .when i got to heathro airport.what is that mean plus my visa No recourse to public funds.

also when we got married,i was asylm seeker,but after 2 years case faild and I removed back to AFG.
after making spouce visa appl i got granted visa for 2 year and got back with me wife and my 1st boy.now i ve another boy too.
and my visa nearly expir soon.will the above matter make it hard for my ILR?ALSO DO I NEED TO PASS THAT CITIZEN SHIP course befor apply as i have my esol certi from the past.

thanks from your pationt and my crap spelling.
looking forward to hear any idea soon .

29th December 2007, 10:31
Ok, you need to do a bit more research here on this forum, also at the IND website here: http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/ and Pete's website here http://www.british-filipino.com/ . I guarantee you will find all the answers.

To answer some of your questions:

You don't need a solicitor. The application forms are easy to fill in.
"No Recourse to Public Funds" this means you are not entitled to any benefits in the UK.

Also, are you a Filipina or Filipino? You don't make it clear.

29th December 2007, 10:42
From Belarus :D

29th December 2007, 12:18
Hello every one, would any one please tell me,
do i need to get a solicetor for my ILR Application? You don't need a solicitor, you can do it yourself!

I also will sombody please tell me step by step,how to start? Very easy to do it, just follow the ILR Notes

i am married to a british citi and have to boys,age 2 and 6 months old.
me wife dont work and on jobseeker allownce. Now am worried if it cause me problem for my ILR Appl. You shouldn't getting the jobseekers allowance because you are in the 'no recourse to the public funds' status. You have to cancel that allowance you're receiving ASAP, you may have to pay it all back because you are not entitled to it! If you don't cancel this very soon you may get a problem when applying for your ILR visa.

also on my visa ,there is a immigration order stamp black ink .when i got to heathro airport.what is that mean Maybe this is only the date you entered UK and If it is then this is normal and nothing to worry about.

also when we got married,i was asylm seeker,but after 2 years case faild and I removed back to AFG.:omg: After half way through reading and replying to your questions, now I'm not sure If you are a Filipina or not! What is AFG?? Afghanistan??:Erm:

ALSO DO I NEED TO PASS THAT CITIZEN SHIP course befor apply as i have my esol certi from the past. Are you sure that ESOL Certificate you hold is still valid? The best option is to phone one of the test centre and ask them about it.

thanks from your pationt and my crap spelling.
looking forward to hear any idea soon .
thanks :doh:Brick::CompBuster::cwm3:

29th December 2007, 19:05
reading your post, i take it your a failed assylum seeker from Afghanistan, and went back and applied for and was granted a spouse visa, which has nearly expired.

like others have already said, you need to search for ILR on the forum,

but you need 20 letters and documents addressed to you both for the last 2 years to show you both have been living together.

and i think you will need to either take the 'life in the uk' test or you will have needed to have attended a combined English language (ESOL) and citizenship classes course, was your ESOL a combined citizenship course???, but check with IND and if your visa is going to expire soon, i don't think you will have time for the ESOL course, and if you don't pass the test or do the course, you will have to apply for FLR instead of ILR..

31st December 2007, 15:01
i don't think so filipino people can get asylum seeker visa which i've never heard

5th January 2008, 05:13
Thankyou soooooooooo much from each one of you for taking your time and answering my qustion, i really feel like i am in my home and talking to my family,
you all are very kind
cheers wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year.

5th January 2008, 05:44
hi dear friends i read all fourm so far which tooks me about a compleat 24 hours.
there were alot of useful information.

I have some more qustions as while i was working i recived some working tax. would it affect my application? or is it also account as a public fund?
at the time i asked from H&R about but they said i am entitled.but now i heard from some1 saying i shouldnt got it.wonder if any one knows about it? please let me know.
also my both baby boys are born here in UK. do i have to add them as well in my application as they have british birth certifecate.
and the important matter of all is i have no job at the moment as find it hard to get a job. all i did in the past was working as temporary position and never got permanent position.and never claim any jobseekr allounce.
but my wife did as she also climed housing ,child,benifit.
would it affect my application.?
by the way yes I am from afghanistan,and hope do allow me to be part of this kind community and share our story.
have got no savings as there is no income only me wife get her job seeker allonce and claim child and housing benifet.
as after i read this fourm we despretly looking for job to go off from benifit even they all are on me wife name.
the esol course i did was in the collage and have got certifecat for . do i have to do it again?
about wage sleep do i v to send them the whole 2 years or only some of them.? thanks in advance

6th January 2008, 12:11
hi im new to this site and i can tell you through experience that i would get a solicitor to help with it i am married to a afghan man who was originally an asylum seeker refused and removed in dec 2004 i am english and we were married and had ason when he was removed he applied for settlement in uk in islamabad and got it he was back in june 2005 we applied this year and on time with all the paperwork and he was refused ilr our 2nd son was born in 2006 i dont want to go into too much detail if you want more info pm me but on a serious note i would get a solicitor but there is still no guarentee my hubby is still here but for how much longer who knows i hope it works out for you

6th January 2008, 12:28
hi again you do need to take the citizan test its part of the requirement for the visa as you have pc either down load settlement m or phone immigration to get them to send you it is straight forward to fill in its all the other stuff you need 2 years joint named utilities bank statements youll see you also have to apply 28 days b4 visa expires dont miss it or they can refuse for late application if you dont send enough doc evidence then they will write to you asking for more

6th January 2008, 14:40
roh i have just read all your posts and i really feel you need a solicitor as for your children they are british we did include our childrens birth certificates in application but no they dont have to be included your wtc and jsa you shouldnt have been on as NO RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS you have to support yourself without any form of government monies oh hell i cant pm you so i may as well post my story to you and others i am advising you to get solicitor as we did nt and i wish we had ( easy to look back on hindsight)aas i told you my husband is afghani he was an asylum seeker been here since 1999 failed as as but ran hid we got together in 2002 he was caught in june 2003 removed to afghanistan sent back 16 days later spent 6 months in harmondsworth dc i got him out with the help of BIDS (bail for immigration detainees) we married in feb 2004 through advise of legal reps and love had our 1st child in sept 2004 he was removed again in dec2004 and told to apply for settlement visa in islamabad due to there being no consulate in kabul
he got the 2 year visa and applied for ilr in may2007 had another child in 2006 we were refused on 3 reasons late application by 3 days our marrige was not subsistant and not enough evidence that we lived together we are desparately trying to fight this as i dis agree with these reasons ( any one reading this please correct me if im wrong)3 days late not at all my husband flew from pakistan on 22 june 2005 and it states in the set(m) form guidance notes and i quote if you entered uk with avisa as aspouse civil partner unmarried or same sexthe 2 year periodto be completed started on the date of arrival here we applied on the 23 may with in the 28 day period the other reasons we sent wage slips of his and mine but i went onto mat leave after having 2nd child and he went to work all the utilities tenancy agreement etc were in my name as we were given coucil property when he had no status in this country and they were never changed as the companies get suspicious as to why the change (SORRY THIS IS SO LONG ) ho dont believe we live together even though we sent wageslips with recent dates on and home address on we had another child in the 2 year period we had no rights of appeal even on hr even though our reps did appeal it was thrown out yes hes still here working with agency our reps and immigration dont seem to be talking to each other ive involved our local mp ive done all i can we have a meeting this tuesday with am immigration officer ( at the local police station ) and i have spoken with him and told him i want in writting that my husband will not be arrested or detained there and then )who basically wants an update of whats going on and what hubbys going to do he can go back and apply again but this is not really an option as if he goes i have to go onto income support and he aint gonna get a visa with me on this and i am not prepared for the life in afghanistan so basically he can be removed by force if he dont go volentry i really dont know what we are going to do if any one reading this has any ideas or advise please let us know and i thank you in advance for even just reading this it is a dreadful situation to be in and i hope none else hass to go through it i can see my family being ripped apart again

6th January 2008, 16:35
hi i have posted and replied to your post i think its being checked over at mo ill keep watching for it and if it hasnt then ill write again i will advise you to get a solicitor though my hubby and i are in the same boat as you but have been refused pm if you can i will explain all

10th January 2008, 09:19
hi roh me again listen i have posted my story to you if you have yahoo then please add me dianes3103@yahoo.co.uk thanks the latest is hubby is having to sign on at police station weekly with the dread of being detained and removed i am involving my local mp aand my legal reps are now talking to immigration look forward to hearing from you

11th January 2008, 12:25
hi diane, Thanks for your ...full story leting me know what have been happened to you in this last years, i hope and pray god will help you.
..yes our story is a bit same, and am thankful that you are so brainy that you put your whole story, as you could see the moderator put us Restricted.and have no idea how to pm you,if you read this and wanted to get in tuch my email add is rohullaha @ hotmail.com
and thanks in advance for sharing your story with us. wish you the best. get in tuch soon

11th January 2008, 13:57
why apart of the wageslips ,wasnt there any more ducoment on his name to send,and why they think you dont have enugh evedince to prove that you been together.?
what else they want?
do they want photos or statments from the people of the area you live.?also have you paid £750?and when they refused the visa it means he will be illigle to live in UK.what is happening to that?
or they agree to give you an extended visa?also is it for every one that they dont have the right of apeal? or only in your case?why they do this ? this mean your family will became apart . is it right? i am confused....has he done something wrong while he was on his 2 years visa?
hope every thing get better. good luck

11th January 2008, 14:07
hi can you tell me what to do to to be a full member?

17th January 2008, 14:23
Hello every one, would any one please tell me,
do i need to get a solicetor for my ILR Application? or can i do it my self.
Ialso will sombody please tell me step by step,how to start?
i am married to a british citi and have to boys,age 2 and 6 months old.
me wife dont work and on jobseeker allownce. also when you make spouce visa applic normally 2 people shuld gives u employement.which in my case they did but when i got here one of them change his job and other broke with his buisnise partener.#
so i got on and off tempo position work but have no permenent job yet.still looking for job.
Now am worried if it cause me problem for my ILR Appl.Any idea? please help and advice.
also on my visa ,there is a immigration order stamp black ink .when i got to heathro airport.what is that mean plus my visa No recourse to public funds.

also when we got married,i was asylm seeker,but after 2 years case faild and I removed back to AFG.
after making spouce visa appl i got granted visa for 2 year and got back with me wife and my 1st boy.now i ve another boy too.
and my visa nearly expir soon.will the above matter make it hard for my ILR?ALSO DO I NEED TO PASS THAT CITIZEN SHIP course befor apply as i have my esol certi from the past.

thanks from your pationt and my crap spelling.
looking forward to hear any idea soon .

Nope you dont need one...all you need to do is to submit the requirements such as
Pass certificate in the LIFE IN THE UK test...have you done this yet?
without this you cant be able to apply for an ILR.
20 sets of each of the ff:
Any correspondence in your name like Tel.,Bills,credit card,Hospital appointment..ect.
while you can be able to sybmit this you can still apply for extension of your spouce visa.