View Full Version : Can a leopard change its spots

21st February 2017, 22:55

22nd February 2017, 10:41
Thank you Mr Blair for giving away £1M of our money to a murderer and how much did his lawyers get??:cwm23:

22nd February 2017, 10:55
Apparently his wife and five children went to syria to beg him to return to UK,was that their story as to why they went?Really?Are we the naive sheeple expected to swallow that crap?At least he looks happy/delusional on his way to his virgin filled never never land :laugher:

22nd February 2017, 11:59
Will we get the money back from his family I wonder, and what would have happened if he drove that car down a street in London,
To many do gooders out there looking after these peoples rights, what about the the normal everyday folk who just wants to make a living.