View Full Version : Some drivers stop at nothing

23rd February 2017, 22:38
Since Monday the street where i live has had road works, its blocked at one end.
There are signs up telling you all this and its closed for a few weeks we have been told.
The other day while driving home there was this car infront of me and has he turned into the street he hit the sign saying road closed the dragged it down the street under his wheels.
The sparks that was flying of this sign was like bonfire night, then all of a sudden it flipped up into his wheel arch and then out through his front wing.
Well i was amazed , he did managed to get the metal legs fro this sign out of his wing, then he thrown it onto the street and then drove off.
The sign is still there bent but at the side of the street out of the way, now thats going to be expensive i thought.