View Full Version : Work till you drop

28th February 2017, 14:04
Pension age is rising and life expectancy is what there's days.
So it seems as the saying goes, " work till you drop".
I am so glad I am my age and maybe might get a few years of pleasure before meeting the maker.

28th February 2017, 14:43
What you do with the gift of life is all about choice.

28th February 2017, 15:44
Choice, I will ask the wife

28th February 2017, 19:18
I don't think I can still wait for my state pension as it will be a long,long way.. I am planning to just work for another 15 years then just get my NHS pension and sell our house and live in the Philippines. Maybe my husband can continue working and just send money for me to save. This is just my plan at the moment but maybe it will still change in the future...

28th February 2017, 19:55
I don't think I can still wait for my state pension as it will be a long,long way.. I am planning to just work for another 15 years then just get my NHS pension and sell our house and live in the Philippines. Maybe my husband can continue working and just send money for me to save. This is just my plan at the moment but maybe it will still change in the future...

Its good to have a plan, but plans can change too.
I have offered to go to the Philippines myself and let Emma stay here to work as she enjoys it here.
After so many years she will get her state pension ok a percentage of it but also her private pension too.
She was liking this idea until i said i wanted money for the maid i may want to help me in the Phils :biggrin: