View Full Version : What do they do in the house of lord's

2nd March 2017, 13:55
Lots of groaning , lots of sighs too and maybe the odd snore.
But what else do these folk do.
It seems they have to check in the house of commens have done something right and then past it back with any mistakes to correct or not correct or have they nothing to do, but make out they are doing something.
Watching yesterday's news about this artical 50 and all the foreign folk who have been here for years, they may be sent home, and the outrage this is causing.
I wonder what will happen to any English folk living abroad after we have gave Johnny foreigner there right to be here.
By the way I agree they should be able to stay here too

2nd March 2017, 15:12
Apparently one Lord was had up for leaving a cab waiting outside the house, running in and signing so he could pick up his daily £300.00....:yikes:

2nd March 2017, 16:00
Apparently one Lord was had up for leaving a cab waiting outside the house, running in and signing so he could pick up his daily £300.00....:yikes:

That appears to happen far too much to be funny.

2nd March 2017, 18:37
Close the place down....

2nd March 2017, 18:48
Close the place down....

Make a great hotel.

2nd March 2017, 22:06
But what else do these folk do.

They go...."Hear,hear,hear"!! cough cough..."Hear hear hear" again!

3rd March 2017, 15:29

3rd March 2017, 15:39
Not too shabby is it when you can pull £300.00 a day for sleeping.....:mad:

3rd March 2017, 15:44