View Full Version : Money Saving

Harry T
3rd March 2017, 07:57
Here is a site i use reguarly to find the best Deals, hope you can save a few quid. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


3rd March 2017, 09:50
The best site ever,
I use this site a lot, in the old days for mortgages, ISA rates, saving rates too.
A clever man and now a very very rich man the founder of this site.
Also a nice chap too.

3rd March 2017, 11:08
The site is useful but there are to many know all`s on their forum IMO..
Had I taken the advice they gave me I would still be slugging my guts out in the UK paying a damned mortgage!!

3rd March 2017, 13:15
Trust in one's self after listening to others ,

3rd March 2017, 14:22
Trust in one's self after listening to others ,

That's my mantra also