View Full Version : Sales , Discount, Bargins

5th March 2017, 11:14
Sitting at home and deciding what to do today to try to dodge the rain drops, lets have a walk to the lake and feed the ducks i say.
Emma is on her ipad and everything is a sale, look at this, this looks nice, shall i buy it, and on and on it goes.
Do you want it Emma, have you got one already i asked, yes but its reduced from £98 to £35 , but do you want another coat i asked.
Its very hard for me looking at a picture of a coat thinking that looks nice, it could be but then again it could be like a sack of potatoes on your back too.
Emma loves to shop, she works hard and to tell the truth she does not spend much at all,
It would be better to say look what i have brought , i sometimes think she has to spend its bread into her .

5th March 2017, 15:30
When we finally opened up all the Balikbayan Boxes we had shipped I was lost for words to see the sheer number of shoes, bags, coats etc that had never been worn and still had the price tags. We had words.
Most, not all, still in boxes stored upstairs out of sight and out of mind.

Still, it was her own hard earned money so to be fair she bought what she wanted.
At one time I think I'd convinced her it was the thrill of the transaction that tempted her and not the item.
Once purchased the thrill had gone in too many cases.

Many of her shoes and bags have not faired well being stored in this climate.
She now makes a point to wear or use stuff otherwise it's just ruined.

Same with many of my shoes too.

5th March 2017, 15:34
It must be something in the water cos its the same in this house, shop, shop and more shop worst part of it is she has trained our two daughters to be exactly the same.......:doh

5th March 2017, 16:55
My fear is she buys and after a few times wearing them they get sent to the Philippines for her nieces, everyone's a winner :doh