View Full Version : Sons and Daughters

6th March 2017, 09:15
If you are lucky to have children you may understand what i a trying to say,
Having 4 daughters and 1 son i have had my fair share of girlie problems, and no matter how old they are they are still your little girls and the problems seem never to go away.
I will mention my Son first, he causes problems when he has drunk to much but hopefully thats sorted out " well till the next time", but other then that he is a very good son.
My daughters well 3 of them have there own lives and have their own family too, and yes i may get a call asking for advice and as usual its not the advice they are wanting to hear most of the time, but we still love each other.
Now my other daughter, she still lives at home , she works hard and has so many friends spread across the whole country.
This weekend she has not gone out and I knew there was something a miss.
Last night she got a call and said she is going out and with in minutes she had gone.
Dads instinct kicked in and i knew what was going on, her boyfriend was finishing with her again, this is the 2nd time and again she comes home upset and what does a dad do and say.
There are plenty more fish in the sea, Its his lost, You have your friends and you have a great job someone will come along when you dont even know, a cuddle and it will be fine .
She is 27 but she is still my baby and seeing them upset makes you upset too, i did try to give her a lolly pop and years ago that always did the trick when she was upset, but the look i got was not the same look i use to get, it was more of a " what the hell".