View Full Version : Where do they go too

6th March 2017, 16:08
One minute there are lots of post then the next they have vanished.
I understand we all have lives outside the forum and sometimes these lives can take you away for a few days, weeks even months, and on some occasions years.
Is it a case some get bored, some may have found what they are searching for, and God forbid they move to another site.:yikes:
I do enjoy the chatting and the banter from many members on here and I must admit I have very little to add for help on visas and documents and any other advice to bring your partner over here.
So why am i still here then.
It's a club where if I have a problem I may get the right advice or even the wrong advice from a few folk who I would like to call a friend, now I am sure there are folk who think he's posting crap and it's nothing to do with the Philippines,well this is where you don't have to reply to the thread if you don't want too.
So for now I will just ramble on about this and that and tell the odd joke until it's time to hand my finger up.

7th March 2017, 13:19
Continue Steve.
This is a forum.

We all look to confirm our 'frame of reference' , seek help on anything, or see just how others find their way through life