View Full Version : Sack them all i say

8th March 2017, 09:09
These old farts in the other chamber, should be the bog chamber for what many of them do i say, yes i am talking about the house of Lords.
Well it seems that this bloke is the first to be shown the door for his lack of support.
I wonder how much of his millions comes from Europe each year.


8th March 2017, 14:45
Does PM Mrs May have any authority to ignore the Lords and carry on regardless?

8th March 2017, 14:51
Does PM Mrs May have any authority to ignore the Lords and carry on regardless?

We shall soon find out.

8th March 2017, 14:58
I like Mrs May
Hope she finds a way to go forward.

8th March 2017, 15:47
This is going to be a very hard time for her and the government breaking away from the EU, everyman and there dog is going to have the right way to do it and those clowns in labour, well they will just vote opistite what every the others do.
Yes I hope she does well.