View Full Version : Claiming PPI

10th March 2017, 08:33
Has any one thought about claiming or has claimed .
You have seen the adverts and i bet we all have had the letters through the letter box too. but is it that easy.
Having had credit cards and having paid all my bills and debt since the age of 18, a couple of different mortgages too, but i cant remember,
The only thing i am unsure of was when many was sold the endowment mortgage but that was many years ago and i cant even remember who the provider was.and i am sure we got out of that into a repayment plan, but what ever happened to that money.
I hate thinking i am giving someone thousands to get me hundreds , plus can i be bothered, plus the biggest worry is with 2 ex wives will they be involved , they got thousands from me already .
It seems they can only go back to a certain year and I think from a certain age i was well up on not giving anyone my hard earned cash, " ok the ex wife is not included in that ".

10th March 2017, 23:07
I have had around 5 payments back over the years. They range from £100 to around £4000.

Michael Parnham
12th March 2017, 01:02
I have had around 5 payments back over the years. They range from £100 to around £4000.

What is a PPI?:Erm:

12th March 2017, 08:54
What is a PPI?:Erm:

What planet have you been living on for the last five years :icon_lol:

Just google it, if you really have to ask :biggrin:

12th March 2017, 09:18
Michael you say you use that little rectangle box on your computer for many things.
Well i have and i am sure others have tried to help you along the way but it seems you dont listen .
I am sure your life would improve 10 fold if you took some of our advice.
As Simon says use google to find what you are asking for its that easy.
Also i would just like to add , i would say this to anyone , I dont call it bullying or harassment i call it advising others what they are asking and like anything in life you have not got to listen or take the advise too.

12th March 2017, 10:58
What planet have you been living on for the last five years :icon_lol:

Just google it, if you really have to ask :biggrin:

Sorry, shouldn't laugh. But i was sat here talking to Elvis and he said can you believe this bloke!

12th March 2017, 11:20
Sorry, shouldn't laugh. But i was sat here talking to Elvis and he said can you believe this bloke!

uh, huh, huh

Michael Parnham
12th March 2017, 12:32
Michael you say you use that little rectangle box on your computer for many things.
Well i have and i am sure others have tried to help you along the way but it seems you dont listen .
I am sure your life would improve 10 fold if you took some of our advice.
As Simon says use google to find what you are asking for its that easy.
Also i would just like to add , i would say this to anyone , I dont call it bullying or harassment i call it advising others what they are asking and like anything in life you have not got to listen or take the advise too.

It would have been easier to just put the three words that I asked for, I'm asking members on here instead of the box.

Michael Parnham
12th March 2017, 12:39
What planet have you been living on for the last five years :icon_lol:

Just google it, if you really have to ask :biggrin:

No one ever says this to anyone else who ask's a question, they just answer it no criticism!

12th March 2017, 13:34
Michael I'm sure Simon meant no offence, its just hard to believe that you have never heard of PPI, its the worlds largest claims against banks by its customers, there seems to be adverts on the tv and radio every day, I know you don't have a mobile but if you had I'm sure you would have received many texts and calls regarding this...


12th March 2017, 13:56
It would have been easier to just put the three words that I asked for, I'm asking members on here instead of the box.

Michael please dont take this wrong but for a man who has lived so many years and have done very well too, you seem to have very little knowledge of the real world out there unless it is something that you think you are wanting.
The biggest tv , the best sound system , the best camera the best budget car the best washing machine the list can on. but if things dont interest you, well i may as well go and talk to the wall it seems .
I and many others have tried explaining to you about Google and things like that, but straight away you are not interested, youtube whats that facebook you dont like , i must admit there are things i dont like and dont interest me too.
I sometimes think you are either a very clever man who is playing us along or a very silly man who knows nothing only what he thinks others will like him for.
Please dont think i am saying this out of hate i am not , its a big world out there and we are here to help but sometimes you have to help yourself first, thats a start aint it.
To any Mods if you think i have spoken out of tone please delete this

Michael Parnham
12th March 2017, 18:19
Found out what PPI is about, it seems that when you buy stuff on credit you are offered some sort of finance protection cover, but I never had anything on credit so I wouldn't hear about it.

12th March 2017, 18:22
It has cost the UK major banks billions of pounds....

12th March 2017, 19:38
Found out what PPI is about, it seems that when you buy stuff on credit you are offered some sort of finance protection cover, but I never had anything on credit so I wouldn't hear about it.

Every other advert on the TV is for PPI, don't tell me you don't watch your top of the range TV Michael :Erm:

Edited to add, have you ever had a mortgage or maybe a car on finance or lease?????

12th March 2017, 20:18
Yes can anyone remember the endowment mortgage that most was sold hoping this would pay of your mortgage and the car loans too, when you finely finished paying the loan off the car was worthless

13th March 2017, 01:32
Ha ha ha..I`didn't know what it was either..Had to Google it!!
Ive been away too long!

13th March 2017, 06:50
Ha ha ha..I`didn't know what it was either..Had to Google it!!
Ive been away too long!

Put a claim in Fred you never know.

Michael Parnham
13th March 2017, 09:49
Every other advert on the TV is for PPI, don't tell me you don't watch your top of the range TV Michael :Erm:

Edited to add, have you ever had a mortgage or maybe a car on finance or lease?????

Had an Endowment Mortgage for 25 years:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
13th March 2017, 09:53
Put a claim in Fred you never know.

You see, you never had a go at Fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th March 2017, 11:41
You see, you never had a go at Fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:

To be fair Michael, bearing in mind where Fred lives then he hasn't been bombarded with non stop adverts for the last 5 or so years advertising PPI claims. Fred probably doesn't get non stop DFS sofa sales adverts :icon_lol:

Anyone living in the UK who says they haven't heard of PPI must be living like a hermit with no TV or radio :smile:

13th March 2017, 13:41
To be fair Michael, bearing in mind where Fred lives then he hasn't been bombarded with non stop adverts for the last 5 or so years advertising PPI claims. Fred probably doesn't get non stop DFS sofa sales adverts :icon_lol:

Anyone living in the UK who says they haven't heard of PPI must be living like a hermit with no TV or radio :smile:

Does that include DAB radio

13th March 2017, 13:43
Had an Endowment Mortgage for 25 years:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Put a claim in for being miss sold that endowment, or did you mean well endowed:yikes:

13th March 2017, 13:54
You see, you never had a go at Fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Why would I have a go at Fred " have you seen the size of him".:icon_sorry:

Arthur Little
13th March 2017, 14:08
To be fair Michael, bearing in mind where Fred lives then he hasn't been bombarded with non stop adverts for the last 5 or so years advertising PPI claims. Fred probably doesn't get non stop DFS sofa sales adverts :icon_lol:

Anyone living in the UK who says they haven't heard of PPI must be living like a hermit with no TV or radio :smile:

Talking of fairness, Simon :icon_rolleyes: ... I'm with Michael on this one. Because, like him, I hadn't heard of PPI myself until its comparatively recent publicity along with the accompanying hoohah! And it was only then ... :anerikke: ... that I did what Fred admits to doing, by looking it up to find out what all the fuss was about. :smile:

13th March 2017, 14:17
Talking of fairness, Simon :icon_rolleyes: ... I'm with Michael on this one. Because, like him, I hadn't heard of PPI myself until its comparatively recent publicity along with the accompanying hoohah! And it was only then ... :anerikke: ... that I did what Fred admits to doing, by looking it up to find out what all the fuss was about. :smile:

Fair enough Arthur....... as usual you have chosen your words very carefully :wink:

Comparatively recent is what exactly :Erm: Compared to this thread, or compared to your age :Erm:

13th March 2017, 14:18
To be fair Michael, bearing in mind where Fred lives then he hasn't been bombarded with non stop adverts for the last 5 or so years advertising PPI claims. Fred probably doesn't get non stop DFS sofa sales adverts :icon_lol:

Anyone living in the UK who says they haven't heard of PPI must be living like a hermit with no TV or radio :smile:

Give me 5, that's the new one SCS adverts

13th March 2017, 14:23
Well I am going to fill the letter in and send it.
All they are wanting from me is my name and date of birth,
Everything else should be on record after that,
I shall keep you posted on the outcome.most probably I will get nothing as being a tight git , I always refused to pay extra insurance.

13th March 2017, 14:25
Who's added the PPI checker on this thread , that is priceless:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
13th March 2017, 15:38
Fair enough Arthur....... as usual you have chosen your words very carefully :wink:

:68711_thanx: Hmm ....................................... :yeahthat:'s always been a lot easier for me to do in writing/print than verbally, :iagree:.

Comparatively recent is what exactly :Erm: Compared to this thread, or compared to your age :Erm:

Ever since first spotting :grosyeux: its mention on facebook - as far as I'm able to recall - I've been intrigued as to what extent its implications were likely to affect me personally. :cwm25:

Arthur Little
13th March 2017, 16:17
Ever since first spotting :grosyeux: its mention on facebook - as far as I'm able to recall - I've been intrigued as to what extent its *implications were likely to affect me personally. :cwm25:

But I am relieved to say there are NONE. :nono-1-1: ... because, some years after the introduction of Margaret Thatcher's 'Right To Buy' policy, I took the opportunity of purchasing the former council house (in which I still live) on a straight Capital & Interest Mortgage, fully paid up 15 years' later - without involving either an Endowment Plan or the need for PaymentProtection Insurance at ANY point.

Michael Parnham
13th March 2017, 19:45
Put a claim in for being miss sold that endowment, or did you mean well endowed:yikes:

What do you mean miss sold, claim in to who???

13th March 2017, 19:55
Michael you could start here...

Michael Parnham
13th March 2017, 20:09
Michael you could start here...

Thank you, but it says 'access to your area has been limited' it's blocked I'm afraid:Erm: will try again tomorrow:smile:

13th March 2017, 21:05
Just have to watch out for there fee, could be anything up too 30% of the claim.

13th March 2017, 21:07
Talking of fairness, Simon :icon_rolleyes: ... I'm with Michael on this one. Because, like him, I hadn't heard of PPI myself until its comparatively recent publicity along with the accompanying hoohah! And it was only then ... :anerikke: ... that I did what Fred admits to doing, by looking it up to find out what all the fuss was about. :smile:

That does surprise me Arthur, i thought you was up on the news of the world ,

Michael Parnham
14th March 2017, 08:15
To be fair Michael, bearing in mind where Fred lives then he hasn't been bombarded with non stop adverts for the last 5 or so years advertising PPI claims. Fred probably doesn't get non stop DFS sofa sales adverts :icon_lol:

Anyone living in the UK who says they haven't heard of PPI must be living like a hermit with no TV or radio :smile:

Don't watch adverts on TV they are a nuisance should only be broadcast in between programs, but here is a list of channels I mainly watch, Arirang, BBC, Al Jazeera, France 24, Film Four, AMC, Syfy, Sony, Horror, CCTV and Movies4Men, Don't watch any ITV channels or Channel five Channels at all, the only other stuff on TV I watch is 'The Walking Dead' series via BT Player that I have to pay £1,75 per episode.:smile:

14th March 2017, 08:55
Adverts are in between programes, they where put there years ago so you could make a cup of tea.
What's this channel, " movies for men", is that porn.
Have you always been like this Michael, if so what did your partner do sit in the other room alone while you watched your channels.
I must admit there are programs that Emma watches which don't float my boat , but I am sure she does not like mine, but we sit together bearing it so we can be close.

14th March 2017, 08:57
Must add this some of the adverts are better then the programme you are watching sometimes.