View Full Version : IKEA in the Philippines ?

12th March 2017, 15:44
Good thing or not ?

Personally I wasn't a big IKEA fan but having said that spent quite a lot of money there over the years.

Most 'standard' furniture here is pretty standard stuff more akin to MFI ( remember MFI)

To be fair we did buy some decent pieces from IKEA but I could never understand the love affair so many had.

I did like their meatballs though.

Here's a report I came by:-

Swedish Ambassador to the Philippines Harald Fries has confirmed that ready-to-assemble furniture and appliance maker IKEA will be setting up in the Philippines.


12th March 2017, 16:15
Good thing for some, I do like there stuff, but not all, anything has got yo be better then MFI, but at the time they was all the rage .

12th March 2017, 17:18
Last time I took the females of my family they were in there for over 4 x hours and didn't finish looking at everything.....:yikes:

12th March 2017, 17:23
I love it when the come out with all the things they have brought, flat pack this and flat pack that, plus the false flowers too, there is the gran the kids mum and dad and then they realize there is no room in the car for them all and there new found goods ,

Arthur Little
12th March 2017, 17:42
IKEA ... hmm. Now, if that firm had existed in the United States during the 1950s Presidency of the late Dwight D Eisenhower, he could've advertised its presence there via radio broadcasts - using
the following announcement:

:poke: ... "This is Ike...ea!"

12th March 2017, 18:17
Sick of the sight of ikea mattresses. Where I'm working now we manufacture and transport all ikea mattresses.... supposedly they are really comfy.

Michael Parnham
12th March 2017, 19:27
IKEA ... hmm. Now, if that firm had existed in the United States during the 1950s Presidency of the late Dwight D Eisenhower, he could've advertised its presence there via radio broadcasts - using
the following announcement:

:poke: ... "This is Ike...ea!"

Nice one Arthur:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th March 2017, 21:27
Funnily enough we were searching online for furniture for our new place last week and came across a store that had a few Ikea bits. Can't for the life of me remember the name. If it comes up again I'll post it. Did find this which apparently enables you to buy their stuff online https://iprice.ph/ikea/ .

Personally cant stand the cattle market but if my wife wants to go I'll take her midweek and in the evenings when you can travel round at a decent pace.