View Full Version : What is happening to the markets

16th March 2017, 13:09
The FTSE 100 has set another record high , what's going on ,
I have a few shares and they are flying , but I cannot get hold of them yet, ok I could but I would be paying to much tax,
But look at the markets all over , everyone seems to be on a high at this moment, just hope it either goes higher or stays the same for now

Harry T
16th March 2017, 13:29
The secret is to at what point do you say thats enough, and turn the shares into cash, which doesnt mean that you have to take the cash out.. you just leave it sitting until you need it.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2017, 21:41
Pour your shares into pension pothttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/investing/2811707/Pour-your-shares-into-pension-pot.html