View Full Version : Model

Harry T
16th March 2017, 13:38
Right Iv been involved in a project for some time now, and we are getting near to the Planning application time, we understand the planning process up to a point, however what we are looking into is to have a Model of the project which we can display at various functions.
The idea of what we have in mind without letting the cat out of the bag, the project involves as an Example (Football Stadium) its not really but something similar, we require the model to be of the Stadium, surrounding Car Parks, access Roads, Changing rooms, etc etc.. something along the lines of the old Model Train sets, Scaletrix or such like, where could we get this done, or how would we google or in other words, what describes this sort of thing ?.

16th March 2017, 13:49
Right Iv been involved in a project for some time now, and we are getting near to the Planning application time, we understand the planning process up to a point, however what we are looking into is to have a Model of the project which we can display at various functions.
The idea of what we have in mind without letting the cat out of the bag, the project involves as an Example (Football Stadium) its not really but something similar, we require the model to be of the Stadium, surrounding Car Parks, access Roads, Changing rooms, etc etc.. something along the lines of the old Model Train sets, Scaletrix or such like, where could we get this done, or how would we google or in other words, what describes this sort of thing ?.

Small stadium, events, showrooms

16th March 2017, 13:54
3D printers?

16th March 2017, 14:06
Model T ford

17th March 2017, 01:34
I have an old shoe box and a toilet roll tube if that's any help. Oh, I have some of that white child safe glue too.

17th March 2017, 08:33
Sounds like a Blue Peter project...:Erm:

17th March 2017, 09:00
Sounds like a Blue Peter project...:Erm:

Or nursery school project

17th March 2017, 10:37
letting the cat out of the bag,

Harry...There are only about 4/5 of us that are active in this place.. I wouldn't worry about a bit more detail if you require more sensible suggestions... Other wise...Look above my post for guidance!! lol

17th March 2017, 12:22
Harry...There are only about 4/5 of us that are active in this place.. I wouldn't worry about a bit more detail if you require more sensible suggestions... Other wise...Look above my post for guidance!! lol

Now that's tickled me:laugher:

Harry T
17th March 2017, 20:14
Hahaha :biggrin: some pretty lighthearted comments in amongst some serious suggestions, well i guess what we are searching for is a mixture of both, and my paper mache description was the best i could think of Lols.. :biggrin:

Okay The project, briefly how much bandwidth have we got Keith ? :laugher:. We have a Big Sports field of approx 8 Hectacres on this is a about 11 Football Pitches, a dis-used Cricket Pitch, and an unused Floodlit Crown Green Bowling Green, about 3 of the 8 Hectacres are overgrown uneven and pretty much unused.. except for a few Dog Walking paths, There is also a pretty modern Pavillion/Clubhouse which again is only used when they play football.
What we want to do is to put in a 360 metre Oval Speedway Track (Motorcycle Racing), and introduce other Sports, so that the whole Facility becomes an asset for the Community, in what is 70% a pretty run down area, the remaining 30% is owner occupier. The Speedway project would financially underpin the whole site, which incidentally is Council owned, what we are looking for is not just drawn up Plans, but a Model of the whole site, and in particular of the 3 Hectacre area where the Speedway Track would be, bearing in mind we want to put it in a Bowl Shaped Arena, and Highlight the Trees that will also help screen most of the project which could help to reduce the noise that it generates (Hence the need for 3D).
Whilst we are aware this may be unwelcome by some of the residents, there are regular Gypsy Travellers that visit the site 2/3 times yearly, and we all know what a nuisance they can be, a more regular use of the site could well reduce this nuisance. By the way Speedway will only be held during the summer months for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoons, so though there will be added Noise & Traffic generated we feel that on the whole the area will benefit..

There you are guys, thank you for your suggestions so far,, so any advance on a Blue Peter Project ? :biggrin: :laugher:

Michael Parnham
18th March 2017, 08:17
Off Roading?

18th March 2017, 08:18
Harry is this for something that is here in England or the plans are for the Philippines

Harry T
18th March 2017, 08:49
Harry is this for something that is here in England or the plans are for the Philippines

Sorry Steve its something here in england, Im a Committee member thats been trying for 20+ years to replace our old Track, now Im semi retired it help keeps me occupied helping try to find our own Track once again..
We feel that while Drawings serve there purpose for Planning Applications, if we could have a Model for display purposes this would be very effective in getting our project ideas across, but we do have a tight budget which is why i was searching around for what we need, of course if money was no object then its easy to get what we require, once we know where to look.

18th March 2017, 09:07
When i was planning on building our house there was that many sites on the computer that you could do a 3d design and look around each room and change things too.
I am sure if you have the time to look something may turn up.
When you see these house program on tv today they do what i did years ago but better.
Like Simon has mentioned what about a 3D printer , may be in sections then place it all together.
Would you like the members on here to save there inner loo rolls and cereal boxes , I would mention Emma's shoe box collection but you could build a city with all those :biggrin:

Harry T
18th March 2017, 09:14
Would you like the members on here to save there inner loo rolls and cereal boxes , I would mention Emma's shoe box collection but you could build a city with all those :biggrin:

Emma,s is shoes, for me Jan,s is Handbags Lols..

20th March 2017, 01:11
Harry, on a serious note, have you thought about 3D models on the computer. There are some free programs out there to try. Plus you can carry the results on your flash drive and take it anywhere.

Harry T
20th March 2017, 11:08
Harry, on a serious note, have you thought about 3D models on the computer. There are some free programs out there to try. Plus you can carry the results on your flash drive and take it anywhere.

Steve Im not good enough on a laptop to do that kind of thing :doh but these guys seem to be what we are looking for,

just need to find out the costs involved.. :biggrin:

20th March 2017, 11:38
Did you look up 3D printers as I suggested :Erm:

20th March 2017, 11:39
Have you thought about asking a school to get involved with the students, they may have everything you are wanting , plus it's a project for the class to work upon too.

Harry T
20th March 2017, 12:33
Did you look up 3D printers as I suggested :Erm:

Just looking now Simon, thank you, actually may pop along to PC World, and try to get my head around how they work.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
20th March 2017, 13:06
Have you thought about asking a school to get involved with the students, they may have everything you are wanting , plus it's a project for the class to work upon too.

Best thing you've said for months:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2017, 13:34
Best thing you've said for months:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Maybe Michael, but i have said lots of great things over the months and years but it's down to the folk to listen or keep there lives to themselves rather then telling the world there sorrows and looking for sympathy.
I could go on but i shall wait for more replies, could be here a while though the way things are going.
I may give a red blob for that remark too

20th March 2017, 13:38
Best thing you've said for months:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hardly called for Michael, maybe the phantom red rep giver will give you one :icon_lol:

Harry T
20th March 2017, 14:00
Just looking now Simon, thank you, actually may pop along to PC World, and try to get my head around how they work.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just got back, well the local PC World dont have them in stock, they said try the next nearest Branch, which is 10 miles away, so will wait until Im headed in that direction..

Michael Parnham
20th March 2017, 15:47
Hardly called for Michael, maybe the phantom red rep giver will give you one :icon_lol:

What do you mean? I gave him a rep for that comment:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2017, 17:19
What do you mean? I gave him a rep for that comment:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Read it again Michael. That is what Simon is on about, and as you say you have a rep for it, does he know that . Do i know that.
Plus i made a comment before he did but you have not replied to that .

Michael Parnham
21st March 2017, 10:48
Read it again Michael. That is what Simon is on about, and as you say you have a rep for it, does he know that . Do i know that.
Plus i made a comment before he did but you have not replied to that .
I gave you the rep because it was a brilliant suggestion you made, what is wrong that you and your mate criticise me again?

21st March 2017, 12:22
I gave you the rep because it was a brilliant suggestion you made, what is wrong that you and your mate criticise me again?

Sorry Michael I do not look at the reps.
It was the comment that you made about it's the best i have said in months,
I do know i talk rubbish to a few on here plus i talk sense too, i have a laugh with many and tell a good joke.
I also know i am not everyone's cup of tea, but i am accepted for who i am, just like maybe you and others too.
Regarding my mate ,i would like to say i have a few mates on here just like you have mates too.is there a problem with that.
Like i have said before this is a open forum, so expect disagreements and laughter and silence too.

21st March 2017, 14:09
Probably my favorite days out as a kid was at Haringay stadium...
They had speedway..Greyhound racing..and best of all....Banger racing.
A plan like yours is admirable I think..But to make it sustainable,you need different events that can be held on a speed way track.. Great idea though..
Wish you luck..If you manage to get that going you have my respect.

21st March 2017, 14:33
Grayhound and speedway racing was nearly in even big town many years ago .Our nearest was at long Eaton Nottingham. Infact i was so young i had no idea about them really

Harry T
21st March 2017, 14:44
Thanks Fred, nice to come across someone who actually knows what Speedway is :biggrin: The long lost Harringay Im told they had big crowds there back in the day, I was also involved in Greyhound racing back in the day not so long ago actually just over 10 years, sadly both Sports are in decline whereas Banger Racing/Stock car racing seems to hold its own, but Speedway has been my passion for more years than i care to remember, we lost our Track to like most others the Developers 20+years ago, 6 years ago we came back by Sharing (our deadly rivals) Wolverhampton Wolves Track, they are still in the Top Division, whereas we are in the Bottom Division with kids who ride for expenses only.
We have formed a Trust, and see us as being the Landlords, and the Speedway Promoters as the Tenants this hopefully would safeguard our future, the site we have identified is already designated recreational use its 8+ Hectacres in total size with just 10/11 Football Pitches in use at the moment, there is an unused Floodlit Crown Green Bowls, parking for 230 Cars and a couple of Coaches, but the area we have identified is totally unused except by a few Dog Walkers, and a little fly tipping, so it would not impact greatly on current users. The project would not be limited to Speedway, we would hope to re-introduce the bowls, and bring in a Rugby Pitch, Netball, Volleyball, Skateboarding, BMX, Cricket, Exercise Equipment, Cycle Speedway, and of course Basketball (if Phills can do it so can we) :biggrin:, these would need to be at little or no cost to us, and need to be Grant funded, but as you can see most of these would be at little cost, simply nets and Pitch markings and area availability (on the Speedway infield), i think most of you can see how enthusiastic i am about the whole project, but we realise that the NIMBY brigade will have objections to some of these, mainly to the noise from the Speedway..

Michael Parnham
22nd March 2017, 07:30
Wow, Speedway memories from many years ago:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Harry T
22nd March 2017, 09:29
Does this bring back any memories Fred ?.


Looks a massive crowd in the background..

22nd March 2017, 11:42
Does this bring back any memories Fred ?.


Looks a massive crowd in the background..

Not really Harry..That was 5 years before I was born!!

Harry T
22nd March 2017, 13:24
Wow, Speedway memories from many years ago:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Let me guess then Michael it must have been Long Eaton..

Michael Parnham
22nd March 2017, 16:28
Let me guess then Michael it must have been Long Eaton..
Yes, Long Eaton Stock Car Racing it was great in it's day:xxgrinning--00xx3: