View Full Version : Todays walk around the park

19th March 2017, 17:53
Well today after picking up Emma from work , she said to me wow look at the temperature its 15 degrees, lets go to the park.
After a quick sandwich off we went and it was no were near 15 degrees, more like 10 and when the wind blew it was colder, Anyway this did not stop us from or walk.
Around the lake and sitting on the bench i noticed these dogs coming our way , golden retrievers they was this black Labrador and a terrier thing.
The owner or owners was a old couple arm in arm there daughter and her son, the dogs was in and out of the water and chasing the ducks, and all they could do is laugh at there dogs, i dont like to say things when i am out with Emma but i am sure with the way i just looked at them all from walking towards me and the past me they knew i was sort of disgusted with the lot of them, but did it bother them, not one bit, but who else would say anything i thought.
Back home now with a warm drink of tea, and back in my world. so all is well.

19th March 2017, 20:47
After a healthy walk like that you need a cold Stella....:biggrin: