View Full Version : Todays news, Tomorrow news

20th March 2017, 21:21
The news you see and read can change so quickly.
I like channel 4 news plus i get most of my news from the computer MSN is my favorite.
But have others noticed how the same story can change from different views from different sites too.
At the moment the main news is Brexit , one minute someone is saying we can get a deal, the next minute someone is saying we are doomed , then someone says dont worry and all this is on the same day too, s who is right and who is wrong.
I dont think anyone knows what will happen and what it may cost and so on.
If it goes tits up those that voted out will be all stoned and if it all goes well , well we shall get no thanks.
I am still happy i voted out.

20th March 2017, 21:26
In the ole days...News was news!
Now it`s real and fake all mixed up to confuse the truth. IMHO.

20th March 2017, 21:27
Bloody hell Fred what time do you wake up. or have you not gone to bed yet.

20th March 2017, 21:29
In the ole days...News was news!
Now it`s real and fake all mixed up to confuse the truth. IMHO.

Did not think of that Fred "Fake News".
Just thought i would add, Steve has brought bohol beach club, :biggrin:

20th March 2017, 21:51
Bloody hell Fred what time do you wake up. or have you not gone to bed yet.

Fell asleep early last night after work..Woke up at 2.30 AM and had 3 cups of coffee since!!

20th March 2017, 22:01
Fell asleep early last night after work..Woke up at 2.30 AM and had 3 cups of coffee since!!

Early start for work then :biggrin: