View Full Version : 1 million Filipinos quit smoking

21st March 2017, 14:49
Well that's what is says here:-

Probably IF and when the anti-smoking legislation gets finalised there'll be a few more.

Unofficial reports around the 'enforcement' aspects seem to be getting pretty 'cute'
Businesses could face financial penalties that would put them out of business if they get caught allowing smoking on their premises. Certainly provides enforcement with involving the authorities.

Lets see

21st March 2017, 15:07
It's funny i really never noticed the smokers the last time we was over in the Philippines.
Maybe it was every other smell that you was smelling hide the smell of smoke.
Father in law does not smoke but the brothers do and none of the women i know smoke.
Is it more of a man thing over there as over here everyone seems to smoke male and female alike.

21st March 2017, 15:11
Fake news again!

21st March 2017, 15:14
Fake news again!

Have I just responded to fake news,
That's how desperate i am to talk to someone.:yikes:

21st March 2017, 15:21
Have I just responded to fake news,
That's how desperate i am to talk to someone.:yikes:

Steve..Any time you are feeling lonely and desperate and you want to talk about fake news...I`m your man!!

21st March 2017, 15:23
Fake news again!

If 'Fake News' comes from the Secretary of the Philippine Department of Health Paulyn Ubial you're probably right.

She wouldn't say why the Executive Order is taking so long, but she definitely said it's just a matter f time and would be very soon.

Let's wait and see.

21st March 2017, 15:27
If 'Fake News' comes from the Secretary of the Philippine Department of Health Paulyn Ubial you're probably right.

She wouldn't say why the Executive Order is taking so long, but she definitely said it's just a matter f time and would be very soon.

Let's wait and see.

They can`t even count how many corrupt senators and congressmen they have..Let alone how many smokers they have have saved this year!!

Arthur Little
21st March 2017, 15:31
It's funny, I really never noticed the smokers the last time we were over in the Philippines.

Is it more of a man thing over there as over here everyone seems to smoke male and female alike.

Steve ... :iagree: that in the Phils, it does seem to be more of a man's habit. Whereas ... :anerikke: ... here in Britain, I've noticed there tends to be far more (especially younger) women :Smokin: than men nowadays!

21st March 2017, 15:34
Steve ... :iagree: that in the Phils, it does seem to be more of a man's habit. Whereas ... :anerikke: ... here in Britain, I've noticed there tends to be far more (especially younger) women :Smokin: nowadays!

Women over here are like animals, swearing, drinking and smoking and lots of sex too with every Tom ,Dick or Harry but never a Steve.:bigcry:

Arthur Little
21st March 2017, 16:15
Women over here are like animals, swearing, drinking and smoking and lots of sex too with every Tom ,Dick or Harry but never a Steve.:bigcry:

Hmm ... :yeahthat:'s true. But it's also [sadly :bigcry:] the case too, now, that it's women everywhere who are wearing the trousers/jeans, etc ... literally, :doh!