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23rd March 2017, 08:06
Protecting your children, how far would you go.
We all have said these words when our children are ill " i would take the illness from them to make them better".
But how far would you go to help your children, and would you do it when they become a adult or is it a case no matter what there age you would give your life for them.
Would you lie for them, not a little white lie but lying to the police to try to protect them.
What about admitting to a crime that your child has committed .
How far do you go for the child that you brought into this world and love so much, but it seems they dont bring respect to the parent.
It always seems that people from the outside can see the wrongs these folk are doing but mum or dad may see there child and not a thug.
So how far would you go for your child.

24th March 2017, 11:34
No distance whatsoever as to the distance I would go to protect my kid,thats the truth of the matter.