View Full Version : Duterte’s dream: No more OFW's

23rd March 2017, 14:49

23rd March 2017, 15:02

Who dream is that i wonder not the ofws i am sure

23rd March 2017, 15:04
Who dream is that i wonder not the ofws i am sure

The dream is that the Philippines can develop and create worthwhile employment 'at home'

23rd March 2017, 15:14
The dream is that the Philippines can develop and create worthwhile employment 'at home'

I am sure they could do this very easy, it's paying the workers a good living wage i think that is where the problem will be,
Plus the ofws have had a taste of lots of money compared to home.

23rd March 2017, 15:33
Plus the ofws have had a taste of lots of money compared to home.

To be honest based on my experience I don't think that's the norm.
Most of the OFW's I knew in the UK were living in little Filipino 'communes'.
Sharing living space and costs and send the largest part of their income back home to families, spouses and children.

It was the pretty much the same story in Japan. Although many were TNT

Plenty of our 'friends' in California also in the same boat.

OFW's making lots of money are few and far between. Although they do exist but oddly don't consider themselves true OFW's just ex-pat workers....go figure

23rd March 2017, 16:00
I only know a few here who are married mainly so everything is shared, but like you say there are the odd ones what income are amazing, but somehow it's all there own money now.

25th March 2017, 16:14
Its a dream that's not going to come to fruition in his lifetime,i know a lot of OFW's in London and a couple around the uk,i know quite a few in Canada,their dream is citizenship,not going back to pinas to earn a pittance,i knew loads,truly hundreds in Hong Kong,all seeking a better life abroad,lifestyles back in pinas would have to improve significantly for them to countenance returning,its good to dream,but they sometimes need tempering with a healthy dose of reality.

27th March 2017, 06:45
It is tragic also, the numbers who are trapped into virtual slavery.

There are plenty of vested interests back in the Phils who'd be happy to preserve the status quo.

Probably only the 'professionals' (e.g. nurses) are able to put something worthwhile to one side, say to build a nice home back in the Phils, to ease the pain of being separated from their family.

Those married to foreigners are not classed as OFWs of course.

27th March 2017, 08:53
Yup,Duterte isn't thinking of the life-raft of remittances that keep many families,businesses,and even the country afloat.All OFW'S returning back to the PI to pinoy salary jobs,remittance central closes.

27th March 2017, 10:07
Just his normal BIG talk. Words are easy.

Harry T
27th March 2017, 10:10
Im sure most Filipinos would rather be back home, especially the ones who have young families, They mostly become OFWs to provide support for those young families, but hey we all Dream, some can become reality others remain just that a Dream..

27th March 2017, 18:18
The new generation who work overseas are young free and single.
All that new money going into there own pockets too.
What's that saying " out of site out of mind".
Just commenting on who i know.

28th March 2017, 12:40
The new generation who work overseas are young free and single.
All that new money going into there own pockets too.
What's that saying " out of site out of mind".
Just commenting on who i know.

Yes, I also know one just like that......
Just one.

5th April 2017, 14:54
A lot of people are desperate to escape the poverty of the PI,this girl left with forged papers at the age of 17.......It backfired slightly however.One question, did she jump or was she pushed?http://news.kuwaittimes.net/website/filipina-maid-jumps-6th-floor/

5th April 2017, 15:12
Heartbreaking stuff....

5th April 2017, 15:17
Family pressure?cant imagine many pinoy kids with the finances and savvy to finance and plan their own work abroad,17 she should still have been studying, interesting that she seemed to accept the belt whipping from her employer as not such a big deals wonder how many similar untold stories unfold daily with such slave children.

6th April 2017, 01:39
Disgraceful that such animals are allowed to employ anybody.

This is the parallel world where the interests of big business come before all else.