View Full Version : How can you tell a stupid person

24th March 2017, 21:01
Yes we all a little silly sometimes and sometimes we can be so stupid , but what counts as being stupid.
We have had a few new drivers start and some you know will not make the grade but the others do just great, so why is it.
Not everyone is cut out to do certain work but you have to give them the chance.
This is going to be this drivers 4 full week with us and i had my doubts but like i said you have to give them a chance.
Two weeks training with a driver who shows them what to do and where to go, yes every day is different but you go to the same towns every day.
So 2 weeks by himself and its hard, he knows everything and he has to have the last say.
The other day i was trying to say get yourself a big map of great Britain and use this along side your sat nav and that will give you a better knowledge of the area you are covering, i must add this area is Derbyshire, what was his repy, " give me a quid and i will get one then".
That went down well i must admit.
Today he went out doing the same area and left at 7.45 am , I left work at 6.45pm he was still out near Buxton.
He will be finished on Monday , we tred to cal him on the works mobile, we have called his own phone too and left messages but to no answer at all.
Now this is what i call a stupid silly person.
And it pissed me off all afternoon too.