View Full Version : An unexpected guest in the house

27th March 2017, 16:29
Since yesterday afternoon we have an unexpected guest in the house.
Young, slim and attractive female who was denied exit from Philippines on her way to Japan. Seems my wife was the only person she could turn to.

The reason she was denied was because she was on a tourist visa and checked in 20kg for a 4 night stay and the immigration officer did not believe she would return.

She's very upset and doesn't know what to do.
I've advised her to talk to Immigration in Manila and understand what options she has to ever be granted exit.

In the meantime I now understand she pawned her house and lot to get the money for the ticket........now I'm thinking maybe she had no intention of returning.

I'll be following the story as it unfolds.
She's a nice girl, trustworthy and hard working. I hope she hasn't been scammed.
I keeping quiet until I know everything.

27th March 2017, 16:32
We will wait to see how this plot thickens....

27th March 2017, 19:47
Oooohhhhh, I like a good story.....

Picture as well please:biggrin:

27th March 2017, 22:45
Your Mrs will be keeping an eye on you. :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
28th March 2017, 09:15
This is a thing about Filipina's and luggage I only take hand carry for however long the trip, shame really hope it works out ok for her, I do like slim though:wink:

28th March 2017, 09:49
Hmm, definitely something going on there. Hopefully you can get to the bottom of it and help her.

28th March 2017, 12:34
Now I've got the whole story.
Seems she was well and truly scammed. Pawned her house and lot to raise the money on the promise of a job and long term working visa.

The folks have been caught and arrested. Looks like quite a big scam ring.

Silly Girl. Wish she'd had contacted us earlier.

She's now ashamed, embarrased and a bit frighten to go home. Her mother now knows what happened and is worried what will happen.

I still insisted she go to immigration and sort out her potential block on any future exit.

She's finding it hard to admit how easily she got scammed.

28th March 2017, 12:52
Poor girl, this kind of thing happens all the time. My Rose gets contacted by friends and ex colleagues all the time about jobs in Europe they're going for and asking for info etc. Once we hear we ask a few questions and have to let them down.

Scammers preying on people like this make me so mad. What I can never understand is that some Filipino's are scammers themselves and the local population are rarely conned by their own because they expect it. Then they go and trust someone the either have never met or chasing a dream that is not realistic.

The biggest thing is sharing what they are planning, then someone might question them.

29th March 2017, 16:45

Today my wife and her friend went off together to Manila Immigration.

The objective was to determine the friends status regarding exiting the Philippines.

Sadly no answer at all except to put everything in an 'Incident Letter' and formally submit to BI so that the case would be considered.

I'm not at all comfortable with that approach as it just delays any outcome for months on end.
Seems a bit similar to the UKVI approach of showing good reason to return home except in this case it's all done by the host country prior to exit.

I really don't want any more involvement in this. Yes I feel sorry for her but she's following the same old Filipino thinking IMHO
I've suggested if she has the money to try again and this time have all ther needed documents etc. Still no guarantee, but she can't stay with us forever.
We have a couple of holidays coming up and I don't want her in the house alone for lots of reasons.

Michael Parnham
30th March 2017, 01:27
Oh dear, not looking good then:Erm: