View Full Version : Beggers every where plus there dogs

27th March 2017, 18:27
Every street you go down where there is tourist you will see the beggers.
Some are on all fours arms out stretched with a cap in both hands.
Then there are the ones with a dog.
The other day i was watching a group of them swapping dogs and going to different places, but as soon as the police come round they are up and gone like a bullet.
The worst things i have seen is people going through the bins for food and taking it away .
That did surprise me.

27th March 2017, 19:33
What happened to the European dream?

27th March 2017, 22:38
How else can I get the money for my air tickets ? :bigcry:

28th March 2017, 07:07
What happened to the European dream?

I wonder where these beggers are from, are they local, and do they think having a dog gets them more money.
Well when listening to other folk it was mostly mentioned," did you see that dog" not the person sitting next to it.
It's a funny old world.

28th March 2017, 07:07
:yikes: it was you

28th March 2017, 09:52
Lucrative business. They can earn over £100 a day. If you do an Internet search on the topic you will see many articles. Here is one local chap I see all the time:


At least he plays an instrument and makes an effort compared to those who just sit there. I don't mind giving buskers a quid for entertaining me and brightening the streets.

Harry T
28th March 2017, 15:07
Every street you go down where there is tourist you will see the beggers.
Some are on all fours arms out stretched with a cap in both hands.
Then there are the ones with a dog.
The other day i was watching a group of them swapping dogs and going to different places, but as soon as the police come round they are up and gone like a bullet.

That sounds a lot like Bournemouth Steve :biggrin:

28th March 2017, 15:48
The worst things i have seen is people going through the bins for food
Couple of weeks ago I was in suvarnabhumi airport,downstairs is a food-court,i was sitting drinking a coffee,couple of traveller types a few tables away just sitting there,skinny,tanned,been in asia a while,i could tell,both brits,the girl was the mouth,early 20's,bit bossy,dominant.Anyway old Japanese guy,young thai woman left their meal and ambled off,quickly the girl stood,walked over to their table,grabbed the two plates of leftover food and took them back to the guy,they proceeded to wolf down the grub,living the dream :NoNo: