View Full Version : hello need a help?

2nd January 2008, 11:24
hi! i'm a new member here... i came across this site while browsing about brit-fil relationship and about UK visa. I just would like to know can i be able to get a visit visa to the UK so i can visit my brit bf in london for a week. I am a gay and i am still studying here in the PI. What is the best way for me to do? My bf we'll be sponsoring all my travel expenses and living expenseswhilst in the UK. Please, i need some useful info as I don't have enough time to browse everything here... I am working on my thesis, too... Thank you so much! Your help will be greatly appreciated

2nd January 2008, 16:27
You have to meet the requirements.

Click on this link http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1018696642519#Q16

2nd January 2008, 18:58
Did u meet him already b4?

2nd January 2008, 19:28
People say the tourist Visa is hard to get, go straight for the fiance visa!:xxgrinning--00xx3: (Yes! A man can marry a man in England! For those who might not know!:xxgrinning--00xx3:)

3rd January 2008, 00:45
to LADY J:

Yeah i have already the requirements that i need

3rd January 2008, 00:48

Nope: but he make plans that i must meet him in UK and after that went back home in Philippines he will come with me and meet also my family:

3rd January 2008, 00:49
nigel: yeah you are right i hope so that i can thank you for the post

Pepe n Pilar
3rd January 2008, 05:40
One of the requirements for the fiance visa is that you have actually met. They say tourist visa is hard to get but who knows you might get it, just try....
Best of luck...:)

3rd January 2008, 11:35
Seek advice from Elton John (hehe jowke) :D

I think you should meet first before applying any visa, its just one of the requirement or proof that you both know each other.

3rd January 2008, 12:03
Unlikely to get a tourist visa, likely to get a fiancee visa. But for both you must have visited him.

3rd January 2008, 13:27
there's no harm in trying a visit visa, since its the most cheapest application..just make sure u have prepared all the necessary documents..
fiancee visa/civil partnership- one of the major requirement is u have MET already..

Goodluck on ur thesis and visa application..:)

3rd January 2008, 16:04
i didn't ask how to apply a fiancee visa as i am asking a tourist/visit visa
but thank you for posting your comment here

3rd January 2008, 16:09

lolz i didnt post here and ask a help for a fiancee visa i am asking for a visit visa cause i wanted to meet him in UK

3rd January 2008, 16:35
yes everybody's right you need to met in person first before applying any visa goodluck

3rd January 2008, 19:32
vbkelly: yeah i know that you are all right i must met him first but i understand also he cant leave his work in UK to visit me thats why he decide that we can meet in UK thats why i need to apply a visit visa or tourist visa

7th January 2008, 19:13
i as him already before anything else i wanted to meet him in my city but he also explain me that if he visit me for just a weeks only he will lose a big amount of money: i think he didn't understand on my feelings cause i think he love his work and love to earn so much money than to meet me in person here in my country,but i do respect him so much

15th January 2008, 17:40
vbkelly: yeah you are right i need to meet him first here and in my city/country but i do respect him cause he is so busy and it might get lose much money for him if he will visit me here for a couple of days.

15th January 2008, 17:46
thats the only way round it if you wont to get out of the philppines hm to come to you

15th January 2008, 18:13
I think I visited my missus 4-5 times in Singapore before we got married.

15th January 2008, 19:42
vbkelly: yeah you are right i need to meet him first here and in my city/country but i do respect him cause he is so busy and it might get lose much money for him if he will visit me here for a couple of days.

why you don't ask him if he still have a holiday left so he can visit you in the philippines,my bf (now my husband)visit me before for just a week and he was invited me to go here to his family

15th January 2008, 21:18
The essence of this thread, is that the questioner is gay, and the British BF is no doubt gay also, although one never knows these days, such is the diversity of relationships.

One assumes that this is a same sex couple, although I have heard of some British men who openly seek the attentions of a Filipino gay man, this is not new, he may in fact be married, or in a monogamous relationship, however, the questioner asks about obtaining a visit visa to link up with the British Boyfriend.

Since the orientation of the relationship is via internet, and same sex in nature, the 2 parties have not as yet met, and it is of little value pushing the questioner into applying for a fiancee visa, since this visa is in its very nature only designed for male/female relationships.

A Fiancee visa by default is a marriage visa, marriages can only be undertaken by parties of the opposite sex under England and Wales law, the union of a man and a man is termed a 'Civil partnership' which may be undertaken, but the Fiancee (marriage) visa is not the relevant visa that would be appropriate.

The 2 parties would indeed form a same sex partnership, and to obtain a visitor visa in this situation could almost certainly result in a refusal to issue a visa, also there is no evidence of an ongoing and subsisting same sex relationship, since the parties have not met.

The British BF may not sponsor the visitor, as the visitor must meet the requirements of the stay in the UK from personal funds, and show good evidence that he will return at the end of his stay, and show compelling reasons that there is a likelihood he will return.

It is easier of course if the British BF consented to visiting you in the Philippines since he does not require a visa for a stay under 21 days, my advice is not to bother applying for a tourist visa, unless you can afford to sponsor yourself, and convince an entry clearance officer that you intend to visit London for tourism, and make no mention of your same sex relationship that may develop accordingly.

Good luck.

16th January 2008, 12:36
hi! i'm a new member here... i came across this site while browsing about brit-fil relationship and about UK visa. I just would like to know can i be able to get a visit visa to the UK so i can visit my brit bf in london for a week. I am a gay and i am still studying here in the PI. What is the best way for me to do? My bf we'll be sponsoring all my travel expenses and living expenseswhilst in the UK. Please, i need some useful info as I don't have enough time to browse everything here... I am working on my thesis, too... Thank you so much! Your help will be greatly appreciated

toinnnnnk!!!! aw your a gay i don't know if the home office they grant you a visit visa

19th January 2008, 06:37

helo how are you?

wow this is the best post that i read hehehe thank you or the comment and i appreciate it,i guess you are right that i need to meet him first him in my city/country but i ask him already if he can but i refused it cause he is so busy with his work as engineer in uk,,

19th January 2008, 09:45

Nope: but he make plans that i must meet him in UK and after that went back home in Philippines he will come with me and meet also my family:

hmmm,why dont ask him to come here,instead he like you to go there ? w/c is more complicated:NoNo:...i heard or i read from this forum too 99% applying visa they denied :NoNo::NoNo:

19th January 2008, 09:54

helo how are you?

wow this is the best post that i read hehehe thank you or the comment and i appreciate it,i guess you are right that i need to meet him first him in my city/country but i ask him already if he can but i refused it cause he is so busy with his work as engineer in uk,,

To add more: u cant say "you refuse":NoNo: or iether he is too busy...my hubby will lost lots of money if he come here, being absence from work,can u see the logic there........it doesnt matter anything if you really love each other..u wll sacrifice a lot..got it...(even u jumped on the electric fence)
anyhow welcome to the site and good luck


ate juliet

19th January 2008, 12:25
he say he to busy to come to see you how long have you know him is he haveing fun with you you know anything about him only what he tells you wake up mate start looking again if he wont this to work he have vacation from is work he can come to see you than

20th January 2008, 16:54
jedc143 i dont know what shall i do,cause we argue it again cause i told him that before i apply any visa can he visit me here first? he answer he cant cause he is too busy from his work and also he burned his passport he can come here by 2009 next year for renewal of passport..i dont know what shall i do at this time:

20th January 2008, 16:56
winner: i don't i wanted to shout him and ask him if who is important me or his work i know that it is so complicated but he must sacrifice if he love me...lol...

i cant say anything as off now i need to ask him again..but thank you for helping me to sort this thing!

20th January 2008, 18:38
Sorry to be blunt.......:NoNo:

Move on.......... He ain't playing ball.....

20th January 2008, 23:44
move on my freind sorry to say he just making fun he has many faces and just playing around on the internet you find some one who is ture and love to come and see you in your place take care when you chat to people on the internet lot of bad and good your find ture one soon

21st January 2008, 02:33
hi! i'm a new member here... i came across this site while browsing about brit-fil relationship and about UK visa. I just would like to know can i be able to get a visit visa to the UK so i can visit my brit bf in london for a week. I am a gay and i am still studying here in the PI. What is the best way for me to do? My bf we'll be sponsoring all my travel expenses and living expenseswhilst in the UK. Please, i need some useful info as I don't have enough time to browse everything here... I am working on my thesis, too... Thank you so much! Your help will be greatly appreciated

applying for a visitor's visa is easy as long as your sponsor meets the requirements. get a sponsorship letter from your fiancee, proof of accommodation and evidence that he can support you during your stay in the uk. and you must prove to the embassy that you are coming back to the Philippines on or before expiry of your visa, if you are still studying, get a letter or leave from your institution as proof that you have something to come back....and hope to convice them. whatever you decide...goodluck :)

22nd January 2008, 16:59
winner: thank you for your nice post and advice: yeah you are right maybe i can look another one that can visit me here and sacrifice his work to meet me here:

22nd January 2008, 17:10
your welcome my freind just join a dating site no good going to chat rooms so many make bola bola