View Full Version : Brexit Begins: March 29 2017

28th March 2017, 13:35
This is going to be an interesting divorce that's for sure.

UK has become embedded so deeply into EU regulations it's not easy to see the wood from the trees. So many many anomalies to resolve.

Take the Northern Ireland who has 50% of his farm in NI and 50% in Ireland. Will there be a border control. How will he be able to grow produce in one place and transport to another.

What about UK assembly plants using parts from within the EU and selling back the finished product. Will non-EU tariffs be due on parts as they left EU or when the fully assmbled finished product leaves the UK?

Fishing rights is another.

The start of the divorce is known as is the legal end date.
The in-between shenanigans and UK future isn't known by anyone.....

28th March 2017, 15:12
Can't wait, yes there is going to be ups and downs and i told you so, plus I'm alright jack too.
But if it's crap the deal we may get i could move to the Philippines.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th March 2017, 22:29
My betting is we walk away after six months.

28th March 2017, 22:51
We will walk if they become bullies i can see that, but surely it's in everyone's interest to talk and share.
But we shall see

29th March 2017, 11:32
At least we're starting to walk in the right direction... IMHO, of course. :)

29th March 2017, 13:11
I think we should be saying upfront:-

1. UK will not make any further payments or penalty to the EU
2. Gibraltar has to enshrined in EU as British

No negotiations until agreed.

Or am I too extreme ?:Rasp:

29th March 2017, 13:21
I think we should be saying upfront:-

1. UK will not make any further payments or penalty to the EU
2. Gibraltar has to enshrined in EU as British

No negotiations until agreed.

Or am I too extreme ?:Rasp:

Yes that's expecting to much.

29th March 2017, 13:23
First thing we should say is take Scotland of our hands, if they refuse well krankie then is finnishs,

Arthur Little
29th March 2017, 14:10
First thing we should say is take Scotland off our hands, if they refuse well krankie then is finished.

:poke: ... Scotland is NOT "in England's hands". :nono-1-1: ... Scotland was a proud :Kilt: nation in its own right ... up until the 1707 Act of Union decreed its Parliament shall be merged with that of the English one - albeit governed from Westminster, along with Wales and the then whole of Ireland - as a (supposedly equal constituent) part of the United Kingdom of Great :Britain:!

At least ... :anerikke: ... that was, I believe, the the intention when the Act came into force.

29th March 2017, 14:57
Yes that's expecting to much.

About the same as EU demanding payments upfront before negotiations begin.

This is the first time that any member has triggered Art 50
Which was only included in the treaty by chance BTW

If there is no negotiated 'divorce' after 2 years the EU can 'dump' UK with nothing.
UK needs to be strong and set preconditions asap which if not agreed means an exit with no agreements. EU needs UK, probably more than UK needs EU

Just now I'm not in the mood for giving way to anyone

29th March 2017, 14:58

29th March 2017, 15:01
:poke: ... Scotland is NOT "in England's hands". :nono-1-1: ... Scotland was a proud :Kilt: nation in its own right ... up until the 1707 Act of Union decreed its Parliament shall be merged with that of the English one - albeit governed from Westminster, along with Wales and the then whole of Ireland - as a (supposedly equal constituent) part of the United Kingdom of Great :Britain:!

At least ... :anerikke: ... that was, I believe, the the intention when the Act came into force.

Well after 300 plus years joined to England maybe it's time to take the first steps of going it alone.
Would it succeed who knows , just like us we have voted to leave the EU and go it alone.
Time for a change all round

29th March 2017, 15:06
About the same as EU demanding payments upfront before negotiations begin.

This is the first time that any member has triggered Art 50
Which was only included in the treaty by chance BTW

If there is no negotiated 'divorce' after 2 years the EU can 'dump' UK with nothing.
UK needs to be strong and set preconditions asap which if not agreed means an exit with no agreements. EU needs UK, probably more than UK needs EU

Just now I'm not in the mood for giving way to anyone

I am all for sharing and being fair, but don't take the piss is all i asked,
We have always been the odd one out in Europe and having that water between has been a godsend let's hope it will keep the wolves at bay over this

29th March 2017, 15:10

Arthur Little
29th March 2017, 16:23
Well ....... maybe it's time to take the first steps of going it alone.

:cwm25: ... WHY? Historically, the Scots, English and Welsh have shared the same landmass for thousands upon thousands of years - ever since being split off from continental Europe by the North Sea and the English Channel, to become one *LARGE island - surrounded, of course, by numerous smaller islets dotted off *its coastlines.

Arthur Little
29th March 2017, 17:25
... after 300 plus years joined to England ...

Ah ... now you're talking! ... :yeahthat:'s better!

... maybe it's time to take the first steps of going it alone.

Personally, I don't think so; :NoNo: ... geographically too, we're ONE country. You have as much as admitted that yourself! Moreover, we rely upon our combined natural resources.

29th March 2017, 18:30
Well Arthur your future is in your own hands, it is down to you and your fellow men and women to vote the way you hearts tell you.
I cannot vote, but I have my own thoughts on this matter, where sometimes I will put onto here.

Arthur Little
29th March 2017, 18:45
We have always been the odd one out in Europe and having that water between has been a godsend let's hope it will keep the wolves at bay over this

There :iagree: ... on each of those statements.

Michael Parnham
30th March 2017, 01:19
Scotland will be fine and can well support itself:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
30th March 2017, 01:40
Scotland will be fine and can well support itself :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:smile: Probably you're right, Michael ... but even so, I think I'd prefer to stick to the status quo.

Better the devil :devil: you know!

30th March 2017, 05:45
Scotland will be fine and can well support itself:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well maybe , and maybe not, there is more into this and just agreeing with a few.

30th March 2017, 06:18
:smile: Probably you're right, Michael ... but even so, I think I'd prefer to stick to the status quo.

Better the devil :devil: you know!

I really hope that we DO stay together Arthur... and that the sensible Scottish people (who are just the same as us, but talk funny) will not allow themselves to be bullied by a few EXTREMISTS !

30th March 2017, 08:19
I really hope that we DO stay together Arthur... and that the sensible Scottish people (who are just the same as us, but talk funny) will not allow themselves to be bullied by a few EXTREMISTS !

Well said,
But what's the saying " blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth".
Well it seems those with the biggest and loudest mouth's want to do this too.

30th March 2017, 15:56
Forget the EU demands on UK

No Deal is far better than the deal we currently have.

Forget the £50 bill penalty too........it's crap
Get an itemised bill then divide by 3 as a start

Arthur Little
30th March 2017, 16:10

Ah ... so this's the (famous or infamous) Mr Tusk.

Tsk :icon_rolleyes: ... *crabbit (guid auld *Scots word that!) lookin' :Bugger:, eh?

Hardly surprising in the circumstances, though ... :anerikke: ... I guess.

30th March 2017, 22:59
Watched David Davis yesterday giving his speech, dam that man is clever, but I imagine his head must be spinning at the end of a day.:cwm25: