View Full Version : Late night Challenge

29th March 2017, 14:46
My wife put her bracelet on top of the washing.
Then later opened the lid
The bracelet slipped down into the hidden depths.

Now this was an expensive item. Well the washing machine is also an expensive item

When I tried to get to the bottom of why an expensive bracelet was put on the top of the washing machine I got the 'treatment'

Now i've had to strip down half of the machine just to retrieve it:cwm23::cwm23:

It's easy to say it doesn't matter........and in the big scheme it really doesn't......but why oh why did she put it there and why oh why did she decide to open the lid.
I'll never know........
But it has to be said she has a penchant for putting stuff on the nearest flat surface regardless then not being able to recall which surface she put stuff on.
Keys are a typical example

Nuff said

29th March 2017, 23:11
Same here, keys and cell phone. "Where are my keys hon"? How the hell do I know.:Erm:

30th March 2017, 08:12
I get similar with 'have you seen my glasses'...:doh

Arthur Little
30th March 2017, 09:08
I get similar with 'have you seen my glasses'...:doh

... usually I'm the one asking that ^ question! :biggrin:

30th March 2017, 13:26
I put things down and the next thing they have been moved, most of the time they have been put into the top drawer by Emma, but sometimes she tries to fool me and place it somewhere else, my tape measure has feet as that is always moving from place to place.