View Full Version : Deal or No Deal for £250k....

29th March 2017, 16:31
£250,000: A private island in the Philippines or a one-bed flat in Oxford?

For the same price as a one-bedroom flat in East Oxford you could get a private island in the Philippines.


29th March 2017, 16:50
Some more info
Even has a supply of fresh water....


29th March 2017, 17:58
Can't make my mind up....:Erm:

30th March 2017, 16:39
A friend of mine was going to buy an island in pinas,was 400k USD I think?In the end his plans were thwarted when he ended up doing 2? years in Bicutan detention centre :Erm:

Arthur Little
30th March 2017, 19:41
House prices are shocking :yikes: nowadays.

Now back in *1968 - 6 months after we married - my late first wife and I were allocated the tenancy of a newly~built, 3-bedroomed council house. (Indeed, I still stay there, having bought it eventually, courtesy of Thatcher's 'Right to Buy' Scheme).

Because her mother was a widow, who suffered from a severe form of rheumatoid arthritis, she needed looking~after. And, this, in turn, meant coming to live with us by selling the 2-bedroomed detached bungalow she & her husband had purchased in the mid~1930s for a mere £600.

Guess what she got for it 33 years later - just over *£3,000.

.................................................... :yeahthat: happened to be the "going rate" for properties similar to hers at the tail~end of the 'sixties.

*Today, I believe the same property would fetch somewhere around the figure mentioned in the thread title ... a WHOPPING £250,000! :furious3:

31st March 2017, 05:05
Don't need to tell me about house prices, that's why we moved from London.

31st March 2017, 05:46
Its not a lot of money these days for houses but i would hate to think of a mortgage and the payments and for how long too.
I am glad i am out of that race .