View Full Version : After Bretix i am still confused

29th March 2017, 21:58
In just a few hours after sending the letter saying we are leaving the EU, the news channels and the press are all confused it seems.
One channel is saying this, then another channel is saying that.
The press each tell a different story too.
One is saying all is well, the the other its doom and glum, then you read there are 8 things we need to know, ryanair says bretix may ground flights, the EU is saying airlines may have to move to Europe and fruit and veg are gong up 8%.
If you dont like flying and you have a allotment you will be ok i recon , everyone else will suffer according to the press.

30th March 2017, 05:48
Well i am still here .
After sending the letter ad wondering what may or may not happen with all the folk saying we are doomed, mind you i have not been out yet.
I could be the only one alive,i will post later just incase:biggrin:

30th March 2017, 14:38
It's like this, the UK wants to negotiate about both divorce and future.

EU say divorce settlement First = EU citizen rights in UK & UK citizens rights in EU-------------OK all agree

EU say divorce settlement First = £50 billion to pay before anything else to negiotiate

EU say no discussion on Future after divorce settlement until payment made and divorce issues agreed

30th March 2017, 16:08
It's like this, the UK wants to negotiate about both divorce and future.

EU say divorce settlement First = EU citizen rights in UK & UK citizens rights in EU-------------OK all agree

EU say divorce settlement First = £50 billion to pay before anything else to negiotiate

EU say no discussion on Future after divorce settlement until payment made and divorce issues agreed

The computer says NOOO

30th March 2017, 23:22
its ok the goverment is confused also, i thought the idea was to stop freedom of movement, now they going to keep it along with some other EU laws, whats the point of all this, they want out but want to be as if they are in too, best of both worlds.

i think theres going to be one big mess

31st March 2017, 04:51
Divorce before negotiations somehow i dont think that can work, but we shall see. you have to dangle the carrot remember .