View Full Version : A Woman's Handbag

30th March 2017, 05:55
Its a must thing to hand a handbag for women and indeed some men too, and yes we folk know our partners loves them all.
I often ask Emma to put things into her bag rather then my pockets other the my wallet that is.
Anyway the other day i asked her to look after my glasses and after a while i said can i have them back, just go in and get them she said, well i could not find them i moved this around took this out and all te stuff that was in there , to me it was loads of rubbish and i mean rubbish, old bus tickets , sweet paper, still i could not find them.
Emma i cat find them, in she puts her hand and out they come, Wow i thought we had found another David Nixonbut a female version.:yikes:

30th March 2017, 08:08
Bermuda Triangle springs to mind....

30th March 2017, 08:13
Mary Poppins bag springs to mind too

30th March 2017, 14:41
Means the male of the species has no concept of search.