View Full Version : Pet Hates we dont like

31st March 2017, 05:44
I am sure there are loads of pet hates that many of us just dont like but its the silly things that you just think " why did they not do that".
Last night the kids said we shall wash the pots you go to bed, so off i went.
This morning pots are all o the side washed and dried and i thought this nice, well it was until i moved the bowl from the sink.
What a mess , plughole full of crap, crap all on the bottom of the sink and the bottom of the bowl , all they had to do was to rinse everything through once they had done the pots.
Looks like its gong to be just like potty trainer al over again but not with nappies and poo just washing showing how to finish a job .
At lease they tried.

31st March 2017, 07:09
inability to queue
eating with mouth open
too many to mention................

31st March 2017, 07:19
Have you noticed how many people yawn these days with out putting g there hand over there mouth's too.

Arthur Little
31st March 2017, 22:59
Have you noticed how many people yawn these days without putting their hands over their mouths too?

:cwm25: ... hmm, :yeahthat:s down to sheer bad manners, of course - along with things like omitting simple words such as 'please & thankyou' when appropriate - often indicating a complete lack of respect! :cwm23:

Michael Parnham
1st April 2017, 07:08
Hate it when one says 'you and me' instead of 'you and I' also the weather forecasters on TV saying 'windier' instead of 'more wind' plus people eating in front of TV instead of at the table and parents that don't teach their children correct table manners such as 'please may I leave the table', I could go on forever, just one more thing that really annoys me is when the 'postie' takes a short cut by walking on your front lawn to next door, I always have a polite word if a different Post person come's along asking politely if they would mind using the footpath, and they always agree, result, nice lawn:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st April 2017, 08:41
Another one is hearing women swearing, they seem to screech shout and are very loud when they are swearing.
Working in transport nearly every other word is a swear word and i do use these words myself when needed, but there is always a time and a place if you get my drift :censored: