View Full Version : European leaders to reject bretix timetable

31st March 2017, 08:27
Who's going to give in first i wonder, and i am thinking we should get Nigel Farage back on the seen to sort out these EU leaders, he tells them how it is.
Bully boys springs to mind, but we shall see.

31st March 2017, 10:28
There's likely to all sorts of fake news from now on.

The EU has outlined its strategy for Brexit negotiations, suggesting talks on a trade deal could begin once "sufficient progress" is made on a separation settlement with the UK.

The BBC version of the draft guidelines seen by them indicates calling for a
.....a phased approach giving priority to an orderly withdrawal.
The document suggests starting with discussions on the separation arrangement. They could then move on to talks about a future trade relationship between the EU and the UK.
It says the EU's overall objective "will be to preserve its interests, those of its member states, its citizens and its businesses

It'll all come out in wash