View Full Version : Brexit: what's happening with Gibralter?

31st March 2017, 15:53

That's exactly the sort of crap that happens with divorce....

Lets get out now. No divorce penalties. No talks.
If the EU wants to play hard nose let's gamble..

Rant over.............for today:biggrin:

31st March 2017, 19:35
And its only just began . year later we all say be laughing about this, or crying.

1st April 2017, 02:17
I was based on Gib and have worked there a number of times,most,the majority are pro-brit and vehemently opposed to being under Spanish rule,main street on Gibraltar day is a sea of red and white clothing with thousands of mini union jacks.Just over 4000 Spanish cross onto the rock daily to work,theres even a statue erected to them over in la linea,things will get interesting.

1st April 2017, 23:37
Send in the gunboats :icon_lol:

2nd April 2017, 00:14
Well if you believe what the papers say, they said that when we voted whether to leave the folk in Gibraltar wanted to stay in the EU.
It seems they may have there wish ,

2nd April 2017, 10:52
Gib is a very strategic location for intelligence - imagine, everyone entering the Med has to sail right past, including the Ruskies. We won't give it up.

Also, if it became part of Spain it would stop being the poor version of Monaco it currently is and the businesses there would leave. Thousands of local Spanish are employed there and cross for work each day. The nearby area of Spain is a bit of a dump with few prospects apart from growing lettuces (Tourism is further up the coast). That part of Spain needs Gib to continue doing what it does.

3rd April 2017, 12:38
Update on this one, it seems Spain's interest is more commercial than land grabbing. They don't like the fact that the low corporation tax (and other benefits) is 'taking tax revenues' from Spain. What they miss is that the businesses would just move to another tax haven if the deals stopped - Spain just wants a share of the bounty.

3rd April 2017, 12:48
War with Spain, everyone's having a laugh,
Bring back Charlie drake

3rd April 2017, 16:01
At least the £ is getting a bit stronger:biggrin:

Latest (3 April 2017): GBP 1 = EUR 1.1729