View Full Version : 502 Bad Gateway Error

Arthur Little
2nd April 2017, 23:42
:Blacklistnonono: ... "bad, bad, BAD, grampa" - as my 7~yr~old granddaughter would say.

Bad 'Getaway' :drivingx: - as I first :ReadIt:.


504 Bad Gateway Timeout error

Now what do these expressions mean? And how :cwm25: does one get rid of 'em?

Sure ... there're *sites that explain what they are and how to fix the darned things. But *their jargon's ... :anerikke: ... much too high~tech for me to grasp.



C'mon, all you IT buffs ... !!!

3rd April 2017, 02:37
It`s not your computer Art..It`s the server that the site is on that is so slow.

3rd April 2017, 05:47
So slow I thought someone had played an April fools on me by swapping my router back to one of the old dial up ones :cwm25:

3rd April 2017, 12:23
Another day of rest for many, plus now the weather seems to be better, time for some gardening too.

Arthur Little
3rd April 2017, 13:32
It`s not your computer Art..It`s the server that the site is on that is so slow.

Phew! Thanks, Fred ... I'd a feeling that was the problem - just couldn't be 100% sure. :nono-1-1: ... y'see, I changed my internet provider recently ... only to discover the new suppliers didn't recognise the name, Filipina Roses initially (thinking we were some sort of dating site!) until I phoned to clarify the situation. :biggrin:

3rd April 2017, 16:37
Phew! Thanks, Fred ... I'd a feeling that was the problem - just couldn't be 100% sure. ... y'see, I changed my internet provider recently ... only to discover the new suppliers didn't recognise the name, Filipina Roses initially (thinking we were some sort of dating site!) until I phoned to clarify the situation. :biggrin:

Ha ha!! I bet that was an interesting conversation!!


"Filipina Roses"? they reply...WTF is that ?? "Some kind of Asian mail order bride site"??:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
4th April 2017, 17:03
Ha ha!! I bet that was an interesting conversation!!

Certainly wasn't an easy conversation. :NoNo: ... 'fraid though, that stemmed from my hearing difficulties.

Fortunately, ALL UK :telephone: calls I make are included in my broadband package, as that one turned out to be particularly time~consuming.


"Filipina Roses"? they reply...WTF is that ?? "Some kind of Asian mail order bride site"?? :icon_lol:

Hmm ... :yeahthat:'s just about the size of it, to be honest.

4th April 2017, 18:44
Certainly wasn't an easy conversation. :NoNo: ... 'fraid though, that stemmed from my hearing difficulties.

Fortunately, ALL UK :telephone: calls I make are included in my broadband package, as that one turned out to be particularly time~consuming.

Hmm ... :yeahthat:'s just about the size of it, to be honest.

You want fillipino roses, so you want a florists then love i shall put you through.
No it's a chat line.
So that's a premium rate sir i will connect you.
No it's talking between friends

So sir i think i shall call the police.
No it's a web site where we help folk in what they may need.
So sir you need the Samaritans one moment i will connect you.
Forget it we are back on line.
Thank you sir can i ask you to fill in a on line form about the valuation of this call, is there anything else I can help you with.
Have you got any headache tablets.
No sir thank you for calling

Arthur Little
5th April 2017, 19:42
:icon_sorry: ... slightly :icon_offtopic:, yet still computer~related.

Does ANYONE else find the arrow ^ of their cursor sometimes sticking ... "refusing to budge?" Damned annoying when that happens, as it entails having to switch off your monitor in the middle of compiling [possibly] a lengthy post - thereby losing whatever you've already typed - then starting all over again. :cwm23:

:Brick: ... enough to turn a saint [which I'm most definitely NOT!] into a curser :cuss: when this occurs.

5th April 2017, 19:53
:icon_sorry: ... slightly :icon_offtopic:, yet still computer~related.

Does ANYONE else find the arrow ^ of their cursor sometimes sticking ... "refusing to budge?" Damned annoying when that occurs, as it means having to switch off your monitor in the middle of compiling [possibly] a lengthy post - losing whatever you've already typed - then starting all over again. :cwm23:

:Brick: ... enough to turn a saint [which I'm most definitely NOT!] into a curser :cuss: when this happens.

Yes mine does too, leave it for a while and it will move again.